chapter sixteen

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At the time we'd arranged, I made my way to the small restaurant. I had to practically run out of my building before I got a tirade of questions from Jamie when I said I couldn't go to lunch with him as I already had plans. Like Miller, he'd caught the hint right away.

I stepped into the familiar restaurant, taking in my surroundings. As usual, it was fairly busy at this time with those in the buildings opposite and along the road coming here for lunch. I scanned the place for the blonde haired man I was meeting. When he saw me, he waved and I bypassed a pair of women, sitting by the window, to meet him.

He stood as I neared, greeting me warmly with a kiss on the cheek. Like yesterday, he was immaculately dressed, only now he was wearing a navy suit with gold cuff links. Nice touch. It complimented his slim figure, without a doubt, as he towered over me.

Once we'd sat down, a waiter came over and we ordered quickly. Simon apologised that he wouldn't be eating, so we both settled on a hot drink instead.

"I missed you at the gala last night," he said, nodding in thanks as the waiter put down our drinks. "You left early?"

I tried to discourage thoughts of just what I had been doing last night instead of being at the gala. "Yes, I wasn't feeling well." I prayed my cheeks weren't heating up as much as I feared they were.

"A shame," he said. "I was hoping to talk to you more at the party. You see, our company has been expanding quite rapidly in recent years. So, we've had to move into offices very quickly which means interior design has been put on the backseat."

"Until now," I said with a slight smile as I picked up my own latte.

"Until now," he repeated, nodding. "John told me all about you and your work, of course. I want the best for my company." He interlocked his fingers and leant forward slightly. "And you are the best."

"I can gather—" Words failed me as I glanced over his shoulder. Only a table separating his and ours, a pair of golden eyes met mine. Of fucking course. "I can gather designs and any samples of specific materials you're interested in." I knew what I was saying was slightly garbled by the pure shock of seeing Miller and feeling his penetrating gaze.

We continued the conversation for about ten minutes before his eyes on me became too difficult to bear. I'd tried not to look over at him but that was increasingly difficult when just a few inches from Simon's head, he sat.

I gave him one, long look. "Excuse me, I just need to use the loo."

He nodded.

I was quick to stand up and made my way further into the restaurant, where it was more dimly lit. I trusted he was following me.

I stepped into the small space between the men's and ladies'.

I spun quickly. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

He looked down at me. "I'm having lunch," he said, tilting his head. "I thought that was obvious." He gestured around us.

"But why are you here?" I asked, waving my arms emphatically. "And how did you know I'd be here?"

"Your coworkers have loose tongues when they speak to me, it would seem," he said simply.

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