Part One: Youngest Agent (2)

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I slowly open my eyes and blink the sleep away, at least I try too. I throw the covers off of my body, the cold air instantly sending chills down my spine. I put my feet over the side of the bed and stretch my arms above my head. I then walk over to the blinds and pull the strings to let the bright sunlight in. I don't have to go to school for another 2 hours but before I go to school I have to spar with Natasha and Clint and then meet with Nick about my next mission. The mission isn't going to start for another month but I have to start doing research early. I grab a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and quickly change. I look in the mirror and run my fingers through my hair a couple times. I glance at the long scar on my bicep but quickly ignore it and walk out of my room.

"Hi Nick," I say. He is wearing a grey sweatshirt and jeans with a mug of Coffee. Natasha, Clint, and I are probably some of the only ones that saw Nick wearing something besides a black trench coat. I walk over to the kitchen then grab a muffin.

"I'm going to training, I'll be in your office around 6:30," I inform him then take a large bite out of my muffin.

"Alright, Kid, see you then," He sits on the couch and I begin to walk out of the room and down to the gym. I grab my phone from my pocket.

Ned: Want to hang out Sat. I got a new Lego set!

Me: Sure what time?

Ned: 1

Me: Sure.

I don't have to ask where we are going. He knows not to ask to come to my house and I try hard not to say anything about it. Ned is a great friend, he never asks about stuff I don't talk about. And there is a lot of stuff I don't talk about that he could ask about. That's probably because he asked about my parents once and I told him I don't like to talk about them. I wish I could tell Ned what I really do, but it is safer for both me and him.

As I enter the gym I set my phone on the bench and throw my muffin wrapper in the garbage next to it. Clint and Natasha are in the corner wrapping their knuckles. I walk over to them and grab the roll to type up my fingers. We walk to the center and Natasha teaches me a new punching combination and I follow as well as I can, but of course, Natasha finds something wrong to correct me on. After that I spar with Clint for a while, again holding back my strength. He beats me, but barely.

"Next time I'll get you," I say with a grunt and stand up from the mat. Natasha pats my shoulder and I glance over at the clock to check the time.

6:20 it reads. I better take a shower before meeting with Nick. I say goodbye to Clint and Natasha then walk out of the gym and back to my floor. Once I arrive I go straight to the bathroom and jump in the shower. The warm water feels good on my back and eases the tension in my muscles. After shampooing my hair I step out of the shower and dry off then put on jeans and a SHIELD t-shirt. I grab the hair gel and run some through my hair.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, what time is it?" I ask.

"It is 6:32, Mr. Parker," FRIDAY responds. Shoot. I quickly make my way down to Nick's office.


"You're 4 minutes and 32 seconds late, Parker," Nick says. He is dressed in his usual eyepatch and black trench coat. I sit in the chair on the other side of the glass table.

"Sorry," Nick shrugs and clears his throat. He then grabs a tablet and displays some information on a hologram.

Mission: Operation Brass Knuckle

Objective: Tak out Brass Knuckle

Assigned to: Agent Parker (16)

Known information: 32 cases of kidnapping relating to Brass Knuckle

All of the kid's parents killed from what appears to be Brass Knuckles.

Victims Names:

- Rachel

- Samantha Smith

-Nathan Roberts

-James Person

[27 more]

"You are going to be leading the mission, once you find more about them, you along with the rest of the Avengers will go in and eliminate the threat. First, we need a lot more information including the location and true identity of Brass Knuckles." Nick informs me. I nod. This is my first time leading such a big mission. I've lead several missions before, but never any with the Avengers. Oh my god, I'm leading the Avengers on a mission. Holy crap wait 'till I tell Nat and Clint! Oh my god! "Are you ok kid?"

"Oh, ye-yeah I'm fine... So I am leading the Avengers on a mission right? OH MY GOD!" I ramble then quickly slap a hand over my mouth.

"Of course, besides Agent Romanoff and Barton you are S.H.E.I.L.D's best Agent. Plus I already assigned the two lovebirds to a different mission they have to worry about. But they will be going in with the team on yours. If you need any help just let Clint, Natasha and I know," I nod quickly. It's funny how Nick can transition from my boss to my [dad] within a sentence. In the beginning, he is all Agent Parker and Agent Romanoff on me but by the end, he offers to give me help.

"Agent Parker, I advise you go to school now, it is 7:03," Nick waves and I wave back then grab the file and my backpack and walk out of his office.

Once I get onto the busy New York Streets I am a 'normal' kid. However, no one has any clue of who I really am. It's kind of funny sometimes, other times it can get irritating. However, I always keep my badge in my pocket and a small knife next to it, of course, it's not made out of metal so it can't be detected by metal detectors. Also if it were to fall out it doesn't look like a knife. I turn the corner and head to the subway system. Nick wanted the personal driver to take me and pick me up from school but I told him that would be too suspicious. Plus I don't mind the subway.

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