Part Three: Start of Brass Knuckles (2)

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I slip on my Spider-Man suit once I reach the nearest ally to school. I quickly throw my backpack back over my shoulders and shoot a web out connecting to the side of the building. I swing as fast as I can towards SHIED base. 

I need to get there. 

For MJ. 

Her sister is Racheal Sterling. Brass Knuckles murdered her parents. I will find him. If it's the last thing I do. The wind whips past my ears and I can only focus on one thing. Brass Knuckles. I have to find him. For MJ. The buildings pass in a blur. I reach outside of the base and realize I'm in my Spider-Man suit. 

Shit. Shit. 

I hear voices coming from around the corner. Clint and Natasha. 

"Spidey?" One of the voices calls. I quickly turn around and see Clint and Natasha standing in confusion. 

Natasha takes a step forward. 

I quickly press the button on my suit to turn on my voice changer. 

"How do you know where this base is?" She questions, her voice now filled with venom. Oh no. SHIELD hides all their bases and only some of the Avengers and agents know where it is. I am not one of them because Tony calls me if he needs help on a mission. Not Nick. 

"I-I" Natasha pushes me against the wall and Clint is standing right behind her. 

"What's your name," She pulls out a knife. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. 


"We don't have all day Spidey," He says. Neither do I. 

"I'm going to have to bring you to Fury," My eyes bulge and my face goes pale. 

"NO! DON'T!" I scream then slap a hand over my mouth. Shit, this is not good. NONONONO!

"Then tell us who you are," Clint says, his voice almost as scary as Natasha's. 

"Uh- Oliver um," I look around and my eyes settle on a light post, "Light. Oliver Light," Natasha chuckles darkly and Clint rolls his eyes. 

"Tell us the truth this time. If you don't we will give Fury. He won't be so nice," Clint says. Natasha puts the knife slightly closer to my throat. 

I'm not going to get out of this. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. NO. UUUUUHHHHHGGGG!

I press the button on my suit. 

"Please don't tell anyone Aunt Tasha," The knife falls out of Natasha's hand and clatters to the ground. Her arm falls by her side and she takes a step backward. Clint's eyes are wide and his mouth is hanging open. 

"P-Peter?" She gasps. I slowly nod. I reach a hand up to my mask and pull it over my head. The air is cold against my now revealed face. 

"Wh-Why- What? How!?" Clint screeches and Natasha nudges him slightly. 

"Why aren't you in school?"

My mind unfreezes and I remember why I'm here. MJ. Brass Knuckles. 

"MJ! Racheal! Sisters!" I say quickly and start to walk towards the door and open the little box that has that eye scanner. Natasha quickly grabs my arm. 

"You have to tell Fury about this. Now. Then worry about whatever you're going on about," Her voice is cold and my shoulders slump slightly. She is disappointed. I proceed to open the doors. No one uses this door so I don't have to worry about people seeing my face.

"I'm sorry Nat, I-I," Aunt Tasha shakes her head. 

"Wait to explain until Fury's here. I-I don't know what he is going to say," She says, her eyes slightly worried. This is what I was scared of. Rejection. Clint places a comforting hand on my shoulder and nods at me. I give him a sad smile. We walk into the elevator and the ride up to Nick's office is silent. When the doors open panic overtakes me and I start to breathe quickly. Natasha walks out of the elevator first. 

"Fury, we have some information you might like to know," Natasha's voice is stern. Nick looks up from his desk. 

"Is it about..." I walk out of the elevator, Clint trailing close behind me. Nick's voice fades away and the only thing to be heard was the little clink of the pen against the glass table. His eye scans up and down my body, his mouth still hanging open in shock. 

"Peter- Spider-Man- PETER?" He slams his hand against the table and stands up. 

"Before I explain I need to tell you something. That's why I left school. MJ, the girl I went on a date with, well-um, her sister- um... Her sister is Racheal Sterling, one of Brass Knuckles Victims," I ramble out. Natasha gasps. 

"Peter..." Natasha whispers, her eyes going soft again. Nick falls back into his chair causing it to roll backward ever so slightly. I walk over to the large chair on the other side of Nick's desk and stare into his eye. 

"I'll- I'll explain everything," I motion towards my suit, "But right now we have to focus on Brass Knuckles. He-he is going to kill two more people and kidnap one more if I don't stop him," I look around the group meeting eyes with Natasha and Clint before looking back to Fury, "If we don't stop him," 

The room is silent for a moment. But then they all nod. 

"Good," I respond standing up. 

"Don't think you're getting out of this talk though, Agent Parker," Nick says his voice stern. I nod. Shoot.


I sit in my chair staring intently at the computer. Natasha is sitting on the couch next to Clint with their laptops looking for any more information. Nick said he had some 'connections' that might know something about Brass Knuckles. That seemed a little sketchy but I'm kind of desperate and I'll take everything that I can get. 

In the background, the radio plays softly helping the three of us concentrate. A loud buzz interrupts the music and I look down to my phone. 

MJ: Why'd you leave? That was weird... even for you Loser 


Me: Um... my Aunt needed help

MJ: I can tell ur lying even through text. U suck a lying Loser

You'd be surprised. 

I try to think up a more believable lie. 

Me: Fine... My uncle was put in the hospital so I had to come and see him


MJ: Oh well I hope he gets better soon :)

Me: Thanks ;)

I set down my phone on the table. 

"Does anyone have any breakthroughs? I have absolutely NOTHING!" I scream in frustration slamming my head against the table. 4 days. I have 4 days to stop someone from dying. Now less than that. 

Because most of the victims are so young they don't have a lot of information on the internet as an adult would. 

"Most of the parents had similar jobs but that's really all,"

"I need to talk to MJ, she might know something," I say suddenly. Clint and Natasha turn to look at me like I'm crazy. 

"But she can't know your an Agent," 

"But it's her sister and her parents she deserves to know that I'm on the case. She should get that much," Clint and Natasha glance at each other and then nod. 

"Only if Fury says it's ok," 

What have I gotten myself into?

I have 3 days now. 

3 days to stop a murder. 


A/N Sorry the ending is kind of rushed but I'm debating on the rest of the plot so it's kind of like fill chapter that still has something happening... Idk if that makes sense, but I promise the next chapters will be better and more climatic. Don't forget to vote, comment, and add to reading lists so more people see this, thank you!


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