Part Four: Leads (3)

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"GUYS!" Everyone in the room turns to look at me. "I found him! I think... his name is Martin Sommer, his wife died and his daughter had Leukemia and was on the drugs MJ's dad made, he went missing 35 weeks ago, about when the murder started!"

The room erupts into noises and ideas. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nick standing up, "SHUT UP!" 

I nod over to Nick in thanks, "Alright, Tony, Bruce, Steve, you work on where he is, the rest of us will work on his next victim... Actually, Clint, Natasha can you keep looking into him for more information and into others to confirm that he is Brass Knuckles?" Everyone nods and then quickly go back to work. 


We have been looking for hours, and now only have 12 hours before the next murder. 

"Peter," MJ says, "It is going to be one of these 2 people," I look over at her, my eyes wide. 

"Why?" I ask, confused. 

"These are some of the marketers that worked with my mom. They would have directly sold Saraton to the Sommers, the others worked in data research. So the cause of his daughter's death would be more directly because of the people who sold it to him meaning he wants revenge on him first." 

MJ has a solid point. A very solid point. 

"But what if he dislikes them the most so he wants to save them for last?" I ask. It's not that I don't agree with MJ I just have to see every possibility. 

"Well, they killed the people that worked with how to develop it first, the people most directly linked to the death, so if he follows in this order, they would be next," 

I smile slightly at MJ, "You are brilliant," She smirks and shrugs. I turn my attention back to the computer and frantically search for information about the two of them, their names are Olivia Evans and Paul Janson. 

Olivia Evans (14): 

Parents: Timothy Evans and Liz Evans

Timothy's occupation: Drug producer- Adcock Ingram

Liz's occupation: Drug producer- Adcock Ingram

Paul Janson (14)

Parents: Rosie Janson and Richard Janson

Rosie's occupation: Drug producer- Adcock Ingram

Ricard's occupation: Data analysis- Adcock Ingram

Both of Olivia Evans' parents are a drug producer. She is the more wanted person. She will be kidnapped first. I still can't be completely sure though so we will split up. 

We have 6 hours left. 

We know who the killer is. 

We know who the next victim is. 

But we don't know where he is taking all of the kids, we don't know what he is doing to them. 

At least if we have him we can ask him questions. 


I explain the plan to the team. 

Clint, Natasha, Steve,  and I are going to Olivia's house, Clint will attack from above and Steve and Nat will surround him. I will get the victims away from the scene and then proceed to help fight. 

Nick, Bruce, Thor,  they are going to Paul Janson's house just in case we got it wrong, then we will tell them when Martin comes or vice versa and we will help each other. 

 Tony is going to fly around and search the streets to ensure we weren't completely wrong and then go to the place where he actually is. 

I look over to MJ, "You should go home," She nods and gives me a quick hug making me smile slightly. She then walks out the door and back to her house. 

The rest of the team and I get suited up. I follow my group to Olivia's house separating from the rest of the group. Once we arrive at her house Clint finds a window and crawls through, we found blueprints of their house and the have a small balcony overlooking the living room. Natasha kicks in the door because we have little time. I hear screams coming from the inside of the house. Natasha Steve and I run inside. 

The family is crowded in the middle staring up and Clint and then over to us. I take a step forward. 

"Hey guys, everything is going to be alright, there is just a small situation and I need you all to come with me so you don't get hurt, ok? After this is all over you will have your house to your self and Tony Stark will pay for any damage done, including the door. Just come with me," I start to walk toward the back door and the family hesitantly follows behind me. I keep turning around to make sure they are ok. I hear a couple of sobs but just keep walking forward. I need to get them to safety. 

"Alright, this is a SHIELD safe house, there will be a couple of Agents in here to protect you but I can assure you everything is under control." 

"Thanks, Spider-Man," Olivia says. I nod and turn around, webbing back to the house. 

"Is he spotted yet?" I ask into the comms. 




"Thor doesn't talk so loud," 

"My apologies young one," 

"Shut up guys," 

(Guess who is who) 

I roll my eyes at them. Once I arrive back at the house I walk into the door that is still laying on the ground. 

Steve and Nat are still standing in the middle of the living room and Clint is perched on the balcony holding his bow. 

"Incoming phone call from Michelle Jones," Karen says. That's weird. 

Is she ok?


There is a muffled noise of stuff hitting other stuff, then a screech. 

"HELP!" A voice shouts. 

"MJ!" I scream gaining the attention of everyone else. 

Then I just bolt. 

It all makes sense! This is all my fault! I should have seen it. 

I hear Nat talking into the comms giving orders, but I don't listen. 

MJ was gone when Racheal was abducted and her parents killed. Her dad is the one who came up with the drug. She is the most wanted because she wasn't taken yet. 

Brass Knuckles came back for MJ. 

He killed her Aunt and Uncle. 

I will kill him. 

There are 0 days left. 


Dang that was a good chapter (not to sound bitchy). I never really have a plot so I just kind of write and come up with ideas as I go, so as I was writing this I'm just like well dang thats a twist. 


Agent Parker of S.H.I.E.L.Dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن