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jimin woke up in pain. he barely remembered what happened in the hour before. all he remembered was going to the bathroom, and then bambam following him. he remembers getting punched in the gut and having his thigh stomped on. and then he didn't remember. what he knew now was that he was in a closet. the stench of disinfectant took up the room. the janitors closet. jimin slowly got up, groaning as he did. his leg hurt like hell and his stomach was worse than that.
"fuck." he muttered. jimin rarely cursed, he never felt the need to. and today he felt the need. "fucking fuck fuck!" he started to cry. big tears fell down his baby cheeks, burning his eyes. he pulled his knees up to his chest and just cried. everything hurt.

jimin never left the janitors closet that day, at least until the end. he stayed inside, too afraid to leave, too afraid to see bambam. he pulled out his phone and quickly asked jeongguk to come find him, that he needed him.

soon after, the doorknob began to twist. although, it wasn't jeongguk.

"l-lisa?" he asked, the sweet girl smiling back at him. "what are you doing here."

"jeongguk's caught up in class, he sent me to come get you." she reached for his hand, gently pulling him up.

"how'd you even know i was in here?" he quizzed.

"he just knew. i don't know how."

"your such a great sister to him. what would he do without you."

"and what would you do without him."

"probably die." jimin chuckled quietly.

"exactly." lisa said. she put her arm around the younger, heading to the nurses office with him.

the nurse was completely baffled. how was someone beat up this bad in this school yet no one said anything. jimin looked at her with sad eyes. he winced whenever she touched his stomach.

"hon, i'm gonna call home."

jimin freaked out, stopping the lady. "please ma'am, don't. call the jeon residence please."

"you're a park? why the jeons?" she asked the boy, who had managed to sit up on the tiny cot he was placed on.

"i stay with them most of the time. please don't make me explain much more." he pleaded with the woman, giving her his bestest puppy dog eyes.

"okay, jimin. i'll call up mr.jeon." and with that said, she left the room.


yoongi rolled over, cuddling closer into his blankets. he was calling out for sleep, but it wouldn't answer the phone. he lay in silence for quite a while before he got up and began pacing around the room. it was almost four in the morning and he left for seoul at six. and he just wanted a little sleep before hitting the road for a three hour drive. he couldn't take medicine, it would knock him out for too long. he decided on a warm bath. he walked into the upstairs bathroom. his grandparents house wasn't too big and most noise could be heard, so yoongi tried to be as quiet as possible. he gently turned on the water and let it fill up the tub. before getting in, he lit a lavender candle. he was calm.

the water surrounded yoongi like a blanket. it held him in place and he felt calm. he felt himself drifting off.

"yoongi!" he soon heard a yell from downstairs. groaning, he called back. "you're supposed to leave in ten minutes!"

fuck, did he actually get some sleep in the tub? he didn't know if he should celebrate for getting sleep or be mad he didn't drown. he decided on the in between. quickly, he dried off and threw on shorts and a hoodie.

he said fast goodbyes to his grandparents and left. home was waiting, and yoongi couldn't be more excited.

mr min it's friday. are you in town yet?

yoongi smiled down at his phone. jimin was just too cute. he still called him mr. min. clearly, he didn't know yoongi attended his school. yoongi chuckled as he responded to the boy, telling him yes and they should meet later that night. jimin was quick to agree.

it was pushing time to meet jimin and yoongi was fucking tired. it wasn't even late in the evening but the little hours he slept were slowly catching up to him. he decided it would be safer to walk. they chose a sweet cafe to meet at.

yoongi nicely wrapped up his sweater and hit the road. it was nice walking the seoul streets at night, it was something the older rarely did. as he walked into the cafe, he immediately noticed jimin. his bright blonde hair perfectly fell around his face and he wore the brightest smile on his face. he seemed to recognize yoongi and his face absolutely light up once he did.

"mr. min!" jimin called out. yoongi smiled kindly at the boy, noticing his little outfit. he wore leggings and a purple hoodie. it was absolutely adorable.

"jimin park jimin." he said kindly. the boy took an opportunity to hug yoongi and was very glad he reciprocated. "i have something very important."

jimin sat down with yoongi, excitement clearly displayed on his face. he practically bounced up and down in his chair. "my sweater!" jimin exclaimed, once he held the yellow material. "thank you so so much mr. min." 

"jimin, please, im in the grade above you. just call me yoongi, it's fine." he warmly smiled. yoongi picked up the cafe's menu and began scanning over it. 

"do you want to eat, jimin? yoongi asked, "my treat, of course."

jimin suddenly stopped breathing. he wonders if he should, yet bambams words stuck in his head. you should die, fat faggot

he'd never forget. "no thanks. im good." and jimin tried to smile his best smile.

and yoongi could tell. he could tell something was wrong. he could tell that this boy needed help. that something was happening to him at school. yet he was baffled as to who would would hurt such a seemingly sweet angel. 

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