The same as they were

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He took me to his room and got me a towel to dry off with.

I went to his mirror as I dried my hair off and started to fix my make up.

My eyes followed him as he went to his closet taking off his shirt. His back was to me as the muscles in his back flexed when he got a new shirt.

He must have felt me looking because he looked back and I quickly looked away.

"You want to get out of that dress?"

"No im good. It's probably best that I get going anyway. I left Walker with Gabby."

"I'll show you out." He walked me out to my car and helped me get in. I rolled my window down and he leaned in to look at me.

His eyes were intense as he looked at me like he used to when we were younger.

Then he did something that still shocks me. He kissed me.

Colton leaned more into my car taking my lips to his. It was a feeling I used to feel. Like the first time he ever kissed me. Damnit I was letting myself go.

He pulled back and bit his lip with a small smile.

"I'll see you around."

"Yeah." I nodded not knowing what else to say.

He pushed off the car and went up to his deck putting his hands in his pockets as I pulled out.

Man what was I doing to myself? This couldn't be good. But for some reason I didn't care.

For the past few days I had been trying to spend as much time with Colton as I could.

"Don't have to much fun!" Hailey called as I pushed Gabby's Stroller out the door.

Colton pulled up in his truck with his usual smile and got out to help me.

We got in and off we were to the beach together.

Once we got there we found a spot and I took Gabby out letting her play in the sand.

Another plus to having Colton around was how happy Gabby would get around him. She really seemed to like him and he did her.

Every time he played with my daughter I would sit back and watch with a smile on my face.

Gabby clapped her hands as Colton patted the bucket filled with sand down.

He pulled it up and she squealed seeing the little castle it made.

She pushed herself up and walked to him as I sat reading my book. It was hard to though because of the scene in front of me.

Colton picked her up and she put some sand onto the top of his head making me giggle.

Colton laughed and looked up to me. I could tell I was letting myself fall for him again. It wasn't a good idea. I knew he wasn't going to be here for much longer. It was already the beginning of July. So little time left with him.

"She's got your smile you know." Colton said as he got up with her. He sat down next to me in his chair holding gabby in his arms.

"Really." I questioned.

"Yep. It's one of the things that I like the most about you." I felt my face get a little hot when he said that.

"She's getting sleepy." I looked down at Gabby to see she was rubbing her eyes. That was a sign that I needed to put her into the tent and tried to give her a bottle to go to sleep.

"I'll take care of her." He got up and went to my bag grabbing my bottle.

I watched as he gave it to her and got down to go into the tent. My heart went as he took care of her for me. I watched as he put a towel over her and then waited till her eyes closed before he crawled back out.

I quickly went back to reading my book.

"What are you reading?" He sighed as he sat back down next to me.

"Just some book I got." He took it out of my hands and took a look at it.

"Can I have that back I laughed." Reaching for it but he held it out so that I couldn't.

"Come on you've been reading it for the past hour. Let's talk."

"Colton my book please." He shook his head and got up.

I got up going to grab it but he held it above his head as I tried to reach it. My chest was up against his tan chest.

I felt his hand resting on the small of my back. My shirt had gone up and he got his hand there. It was sending shivers all around my body his touch.

"Fine." I sighed moving back a little. When he relaxed I went to jump for it but he grabbed my hands dropped the book as we laughed. I went to kick hike but he quickly lifted me throwing me over his shoulder.

The people around us right now must have thought we were crazy.

He spun me around as I held on to his waist.

"COLTON!" I screamed holding my head up.

"Will you spend time with me now?"

"Colton please put me down!"

"Not What I wanted."

"FINE!" I laughed and I felt him pull me back over.

I slapped his chest as he put me down on my feet.

I went to grab for my book but he lifted me up wrapping his arms around my waist.

I never have laughed that hard ever then I did today. I felt like myself again with him. He made me feel like things were the same as before.

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