Chapter - 19

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Jasmine followed her brother slowly, unable to shake Adam's awful death out of her mind. After much discussion, Evie had concluded that the curator she worked with would know something about the situation and decided that the best option would be to pay him a visit at the Museum of Antiquities.

But Jasmine was too lost in thought to care. she was blaming herself silently, completely not realizing that everyone around her had stopped walking. "Omph!" she gasped as she tripped, and found herself flying forward. But before she could fall, a pair of arms reached out and caught onto her. "A-um- " Jasmine began, but she couldn't find the words she wanted to say when she looked up to find herself staring at Ardeth.

"For a Queen, you sure are clumsy, My lady," Ardeth said softly, lowering his voice so that only she could hear. He steadied her, staying closer to her than necessary and Jasmine felt warmth at his touch. It somehow made her feel better, giving her hope that there was a way they could succeed in destroying Imoteph. Being so close to him made her feel safe, and she knew that no matter what he'll make sure she's safe and sound like always. "Are you alright?" He asked seeing her tear stained face with eyes filled with rage.

"I-I have a lot on my mind right now," she said, "Especially when he - " she broke off when she realized exactly how silent the room had become, and her cheeks burned as she felt the rising tension.

"What is he doing here?" Evie asked, gesturing at Ardeth, and Jasmine groaned inwardly. She shouldn't have told her brother about what had happened, after all, seeing how he was now pointing a gun at him. Jasmine moved in front of Ardeth with an unamused and tired look on her face.

The man standing beside Ardeth - Dr Bey, Evie had explained - turned to look at him and Jasmine "My lady" with a rather amused expression. Jasmine, who had just realized how close she was to Ardeth, let out a gasp and steped back.

Dr Bey turned back towards Rick and everyone. "Do you really want to know, or would you prefer to just - shoot us?"

"After what I just saw, I'm willing to go on a little faith here...Though I would love to shoot him, for a different sort of reason," Rick added as an afterthought, earning himself an annoyed look from Jasmine.

"We are part of an ancient secret society," Dr Bey began, pacing the room as he spoke. "For over three thousand years, we have guarded the City of the Dead. Sworn at manhood to do any and all in our part to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world."

"And now because of you, we have failed," Ardeth went on bitterly.

Imhotep, sure, is one big pain in the neck. Jasmine thought.

"And you think this justifies the killing of innocent people?" Evie asked.

Dr Bey exchanged a glance with Ardeth. "To stop this creature? Let me think...yes!" he and Ardeth replied together.

Rick raised a hand. "Question. Why doesn't he like cats?"

"Well, cats are the guardians of the Underworld," Jasmine answered with a voice void of emotions. She saw her brother sigh slightly at her behaviour. His eyes were filled with concern.

"He will fear them until he is fully regenerated," Dr Bey continued.

"And then he will fear nothing," Ardeth said grimly.

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