Chapter - 26

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"You, Ardeth Bay, are no longer betrothed to Jasmine O'Connell. You are prohibited from seeing her again. You shall marry my daughter tonight and co continue doing your duties as you have"


Jasmine could not believe her ears, this was not supposed to happen, not after the cursed was broken. Jasmine took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, before walking into the tent with her head held high, she refused to let these old men decided what she is meant for, not again.

Everyone was shocked with the appearance of a strange lady into the tent of the elders, what angered them more was the fact she walked and stood tall beside Ardeth, now greeting or bowing down to them, they were elders of this tribe! How dare she!? But she held her head up staring, even glaring at the elders of the tribe. She refused to let these people dictate her life more than they already have. Curse or no curse, she won't let these old men do as they please like there is no consequence to it.

"Who are you?! How dare you enter without permission?! Where are the guards?! " there were several questions. But all if it quiets down when they looked at her closely and saw a flash of the Pharoah Hatshepsut on her, the resemblance was there, at the same time, she was a different person altogether.

"Your guards are currently not in a condition to attend to your needs." She replied. "What did you do to them?! How many of you are there?!" They seem to be alert now.

"Oh no, it's just me." She replied rather casually, unphased by their shocked face. Ardeth was cautious of everything because he knew her better than to believe that she was indifferent, she always made sure to be calm and composed in front of others but he knows better. He was keeping eyes on everything, he would die before he'll let them hurt her, she was capable of taking care of herself but they'll have to go through him before they could ever get to her.  He was also aware of the rage that she held behind her calm exterior. 

"Who are you making the decision for others? Ardeth Bay is the chieftain of the medjai, leader of not just this tribe but all of them. And You have no right to play with people's life." Jasmine spoke clearly without any kind of respect for the people before her. She was done playing their games, she sighed as she quickly took the scimitar out of Ardeth's side and blocked the attacked that was incoming from behind, Ardeth ordering the man to stand down in a voice that left no room for questions.

Soon there was another attack, Jasmine stepped out of the way in order to avoid it. This time the annoyance was clear in her face. She turned towards the direction of the attack and saw a woman step out of the shadow. "Well, Ardeth is going to be my husband soon, so, maybe if you have any problem with it. We can solve it our way. I challenge you." Said the woman, She had sharp hazel eyes which were enhanced with kohl, with an olive skin tone. She was taller than her making everyone think the outcome of the challenge was clear.

Jasmine studied her for a bit, trying to figure her out. Knowing well that this daughter of the elder is not used to having no for an answer. Keeping in mind that she was not just the elder's daughter but also appeared to be trained as a warrior.  "Jasmine O'Connell is just a silly girl, she won't be of concern soon. I'll take care of her, Silly girl won't know what hit her. This tribe needs a strong woman to lead them and stand beside their chief. Who would be better than the elder's daughter? Don't you think?" The lady continued before attacking her, she barely dodged while throwing Ardeth a look that made it clear for him that she does not want him to interfere, this was her fight and she has to face it without him.

She moved out of the way and created some distance between the two of them, so she would have some time to fully analyse the lady. She clashed the sword she took from addeth against the sword of the lady who seems to be very skilled and very pissed. Jasmine was barely able to keep up, she may have knowledge but her opponent was clearly more skilled than her.  Jasmine went for attack and got slashed across her arms and shoulder, she stumbled back holding her wounded shoulder.

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