CHAPTER 2: First Day Worst Day

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      As soon as we parked our car at the school parking lot, two immature guys started banging on our car. To be honest, I wished that they would dent the car. After all, the guy who gave my car to a total stranger deserved it, didn't he? I looked around while covering my ears due to the sudden noise.

My brother seemed extremely angry as he opened the car door and stepped out. We both knew who the culprits were - two specific people. However, I knew that Ben's anger would only last as long as we were in the parking lot. This incident would soon be forgotten, and he would be friendly with his friends again. Honestly, sometimes I wonder about his sexuality.

"What the hell, guys!" The noise was so loud that my ears were on the verge of bleeding. I'm surprised that no teachers came out to see what was going on. Only a few students lurking in the parking lot looked at Ben like he had grown two heads.

I opened the car and guess what I saw? nope, it wasn't a unicorn nor a mermaid, It was none other than Ben's best friends Dathan and Jack. Both of them were grinning like idiots at Ben. 

"can't you be mature for once..." My brother says while examining the car for any teeth in his car.

"Gee! Chill out, buddy. A high temper can wreck your brain," Dathan said. Meet the joker of the class, or better yet, the whole school. Not because he's in class, but because he has a clown's personality. 

He is a bad boy, with the whole mysterious thing going on. He is so secretive about some parts of his life that the school thinks he runs an underground drug cartel. I think so too, with the leather jacket and his deadly black Kawasaki Z1000. How can a high school guy have such looks and body, My brother looks like he just hit puberty in comparison to Dathan and Jack and it's concerning. 

Jack is on the school's soccer team. He and my brother both made it on the team together, after practice there is a visible difference between Jack and Ben. Ben appears worn out from the obvious practice but Jack on the other looks like he could run for another two days.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, turning my head up I see jok- dathan looking at me with a grin. 

 "Don't wanna get to class sleeping beauty?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"um yes, "I say looking back down, I grip the straps of my bag for some kind of support. I think it's the hormones working up. I'm not usually like this. I feel very shy suddenly.

"Look up mochi, How is your day going?" He stares at me with a weird expression that makes me feel some kind of way, I can't describe this feeling. I notice his jawline and sharp features. I think I look like a baboon in comparison to him.

 Why is he being so nice to me? he doesn't talk to me that often, the only time he did was when they pulled some prank on me or when they needed homework. He always found ways to avoid me in the past. And now he asks me how am I? This is probably a prank. This year I'm not going to allow them to bully me. hmph.

"I am fine... I guess," I said, looking everywhere but his face. 

"Aw, look at her such a cutie. Isn't she?" Jack coos smirking at Dathan. Dathan just backhands him lightly. My brother is still examining his car, what a dumbass. 

I just shake my head and start walking away. It's honestly useless talking to these brainless idiots. 

"YOU HAVE A SURPRISE WAITING AT YOUR LOCKER, KEZIE!" I hear them shout. The only sensible reaction to this is avoiding them. So, with my head down I make my way inside the school building and see people staring weirdly at my locker.

As I near my locker I see a few people clicking photos of my locker. Among the tiny crowd, I notice Mia, standing there like an idiot. I pull her beside me facing the locker that is now covered in Peach emoji prints all over it.

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