CHAPTER 3: Sweet?

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Kezia's POV


An annoying alarm blares at dot 8:30, the sound breaks the prolonged silence of the night declaring the start of a new day. 

The irksome noise in the background interrupts my serene sleep. Placing the fluffy pillow lying next to me over my ears, I try and block the cries of the devil. Devil? Anyone who disrupts a sleeping person is a devil.

"UGHH" I groan and switch on the other side of the bed and turn off the annoying alarm. My hair was all over my face blocking my vision. I sit up straight, moving the hair away from my face, and sigh. I stood up and placed my feet in the fluffy slippers made my way towards the washroom and finished my everyday routine. I wore a black hoodie with mom jeans. isn't it great, I've started the hoodie look from the second day of school...

I made my way downstairs, and guess what? My brother is sitting at the table reading a book! Should I repeat? A book! I gasp at the sight, going to my brother's side, and pinch myself. 

I look at the sight and stand there like a lunatic staring at him with open mouth. "Sister aren't you gonna have a seat?" Ben said sweetly. 

"You gonna make me cry, bro!" I said dramatically wiping my fake tears.

 "Oh, shut up, " Ben said keeping the book aside, he shoved his face with a chunky piece of pancake.

"Why are you reading a book?" I said taking a seat beside him.

"I have decided to study and get good grades this year," Ben said eating his pancakes. 

"I don't believe you," I help myself with a pancake and pour the chocolate syrup, I look at the heavenly piece and shove a piece in my mouth while speaking.

"Bella, finish your food and then speak!" Mom said from the kitchen. I just gave her a smile with my mouth full of pancakes.

"Jesus Christ! Bella behave." Mom said, passing me a disapproving look. "Mommy chill!" I said having the last piece of my breakfast.

"Bella, take 'your' car keys," Ben offered me the keys like an offering, keeping the keys in the center of both his palms together with a bored look. I gave him a tight smile, snatched it from him, slid it inside my jeans pocket, and walked up to the sink where I washed my plate. 

I say my goodbyes and sprint towards my car standing in the driveway looking gorgeous. I smile and sit inside the car, roaring it to life, and switching on some Blake Shelton on the radio to vibe. I love my life. 


After parking my car, I walk into the hallway full of students, some chatting with their friends while the other half is busy in their world. When I reach my locker I heave a sigh as I see another poster stuck, it was a picture of when I was a kid, with a bunny costume on, in a tub full of water. 

 "How is it? Isn't it great?" Dathan's velvety voice rings my ears, his lips barely touching my ears as his chest hits my back. I turn my face to look at him and see his lips moving but my mind doesn't register anything he says as I feel butterflies flutter in my belly while he speaks. I feel his voice in my stomach. This was the first time I had been so close to a male species, I almost forgot why I was mad at him.  

I turned my head towards a shout in the hallway as I came out of the trance. I quickly turn around and make some distance between myself and Dathan, my back hits the locker. I glare at his smirking self as if it would scare him.

I tear the poster and shove it inside my locker."Savage again" Mia says coming forward. "chill," Elijah says coming with Ben.

"Why did you do that?" I asked Jaxon.

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