Chapter IV

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Cadence's Pov

We passed by countless doors and walked through many halls until we finally reached our destination.

There were 2 what looked to be guards standing by each side of the large and luxurious double doors.

[ "Please open the doors, Princess Cadence has arrived" ]

The guards both nodded in unison and proceeded to open the heavy looking doors.

The room inside was very large and was around the size of a banquet hall.

There was a red and gold carpet that leads from the door to a large extravagant throne decorated with gold and jewels.

And sitting on the throne was none other than my Father, the Emperor.

He was wearing a long velvet fur robe and on his head was a golden jewelled crown.

His white hair shone in the light and his dark blood red eyes looked down at me without any expression.

Anne bowed at the Emperor.

[ "This lowly servant greets the great emperor" ]

She said respectfully.

[ "As your majesty has instructed, this servant has brought the Seventh Princess Cadence" ]

[ "Mm you may rise" ]

Anne obediently did as she was told.

I didn't realise when we first entered as I was too concentrated on the emperor, but either than us there were already a great number of people in the room.

Standing behind the Emperor were three beautiful women

The first women had caramel coloured hair that was tied up into an elegant bun and emerald green eyes.

Her facial features were delicate and she gave off a gentle motherly aura as she held an adorable little boy in her arms.

Next to her was a busty and seductive looking woman with long and curled fiery red hair that reached up to her huge chest.

Around her were three children; a boy and two girls who looked just as proud as their mother.

Lastly was a strawberry blonde haired lady with two different coloured eyes, the left being blue and the right being green.

She was an exotic looking beauty with skin as white as snow and hair that only reached up to her neck.

Two boys and a girl surrounded her just like the previous women.

These three women were none other than my father's wives and the children with them were his offspring.

There were also another 3 women standing further behind them whom I assume must be the mistresses.

They each held the hands of the single daughter they had.

Anne walked over and stood next to the three mistresses well carrying me.

[ "Your majesty now that everyone has arrived, shall we start?" ]

An elegant and handsome male came forward and asked.

His hair was a beautiful shade of blue that reached up to his waist.

[ "Begin the coronation of the Empress!" ]

The Emperor's voice was both powerful and intimidating.

An elder man dressed all in white stepped forward and bowed to the emperor.

[ "Princess that is the Archbishop of the church" ]

I hear Anne whisper into my ear.

[ "We will now begin the crowning of our great Empire's Empress" ]

[ "Please bring her majesty into the room" ]

The doors are once again open and contrary to everyone's expectation the guards bring in a luxurious looking coffin and place it down in the centre of the room.

What is going on? Why did they bring out a coffin?

I could see that everyone else was just as stunned and confused as I am.

A guard went over to the coffin and opened it to reveal a stunning woman laying inside with her eyes shut.

I immediately recognised her.

She was the beautiful blond haired women who I had first seen when I was reincarnated, my birth Mother!

Looking at her small white face and long curled eyelashes I realised that she was even more beautiful then I had remembered.

I thought the three wives were very beautiful but when I looked at the sleeping beauty resting in the coffin I realised just how unparalleled her beauty truly was!

The crowd became even more stunned from the sight of the great sleeping beauty

A servant brought out the empress's crown and presented it to the archbishop

The archbishop held the crown and walked over to the sleeping beauty but suddenly stopped.

He seemed to be perplexed on what to do next.

Should he lift the sleeping beauty and place the crown on her head? No that would be too rude and unruly to the future Empress!

Luckily for him, the Emperor suddenly stood up.

[ "Give me the crown. I will do it" ]

He declared.

The archbishop was relieved and happily welcomed the Emperor.

The Emperor walked over to the sleeping beauty and carefully lifted her up, leaning her head on his chest.

The archbishop then handed the crown to the Emperor and he gently placed it onto the beauties silky gold hair.

The sight of the handsome white-haired emperor and the blonde haired sleeping beauty was like a painting

People couldn't help but admire their unparalleled appearances.

The Emperor looked at the beauty so lovingly yet tragically which caused everyone's heart to thump in pain for the cold Emperor.

You could tell by the way the emperor was so careful and gentle on how he handled her that he truly loved and cared for the lady.

A tragic but beautiful love.

[ "I hereby declare Celine Adley as the empress and mother of the great crimson empire!" ]

Everyone including myself was shocked and didn't know how to reach.

[ "Your majesty! This official does not mean to go against your decisions but please reconsider this! Not only is this ladies origins unknown but she has already passed!" ]

An older looking grey-haired man suddenly said from the front of a crowd.

Just by looking I could tell that this man was a very proud and arrogant person

He somewhat reminded me of the second wife with the red curly hair.

The Emperor did not say anything at first but simply stared at him.

I could see him start to sweat nervously, perhaps he was already regretting his decision

[ "Whom I choose as the empress is none of your concern Grand Duke Estorn. As long as she is the one that I choose, nothing else matters" ]

The Emperor finally says with no emotion what so ever.

His voice is powerful and cold as ice making everyone in the room shiver.

This ruler is just much too frightening and intimidating!

Chapter IV End

The Reincarnated Daughter Of The Cold Emperor حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن