Chapter XVII

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Cadence's POV

A couple of weeks have passed since I ever so tragically, had to wave goodbye to my beloved big brother and send him off to the great future waiting ahead for him

As embarrassing as this is, I actually burst out crying right when Levins carriage left and caused a ruckus for everyone

But it's really not like I can help it, I understand this is all for Levin's sake and I understand he isn't going to be gone forever but my problematic 4-year-old body just couldn't help but cry its eyes out!

It's not like I wanted it to happen either, okay? But it felt as if I couldn't control my own body at the moment

I'm just glad I managed to send off Levin with a smile and didn't let him witness my shameful meltdown.

Well it's all in the past now, I made all the maids and guards there to promise to never tell anyone about what had happened and plan to bury it in the back of my brain

It'll be like it never happened in the first place!

Now all I need to do is delete this data and throw it into the depths of hell where I will never find it again!

But admittedly it has been quite lonely without Levin here.

Although not permanent, I've lost my reading partner, playmate, big brother and quite honestly the only friend

It's not as if I'm alone though, I have Anne and Lady Lena who are always with me but although I love and care for them so very much sometimes I feel the desire for a friend... one my age preferably...

Lately, I've been writing all my thoughts, including this one into a beautiful little diary Lady Lena had gifted to me ages ago

I used it as a sort of pastime, now that Levin was gone

Strangely, I seemed to have lost it yesterday, and now I can't help but worry someone will find it and read my embarrassing writings!

Oh god if you really do exist, I beg of you to let me find my diary before someone else does!

Well, I'm sure it's fine, everyone here knows who is the owner of that diary and I refuse to think they would dare to actually read it

Yes, so there's no need to worry at all!

Oh, it's nearly 1 o'clock, about time for me to go and meet Father

I'm not really sure how this happened, but it  somehow did and now every Wednesday, Thursday and Monday I'm meeting with him

I eat the delicious, heavenly desserts that his godly pastry chef provides and we recently began to play chess together

Currently, the scores are 14 to 0... I am zero...

Hmph, but can't he go a little bit easier on me? I am just a child you know!

Well whatever I'll beat him one day after I finally finish reading all the pro chess books I've accumulated

I trotted along until I finally reached the door to the emperor's chambers

[ "Good afternoon Alfred!" ]

I said well flashing my sweetest smile

I really liked Alfred, he gave off a warm, grandparents aura, the kind that spoiled you with cookies and sweets

[ "Good day Princess, his majesty is already waiting for you in his study" ]

[ "Mm thank you, Alfred, I will be on my way now!" ]

Hehehe, I wonder what delicious sweets are on the menu today~

Donuts? Poundcake? Or perhaps one of my many favourites, strawberry cheesecake~?

I arrived at the emperor's study with drool almost dripping out from my mouth

I wiped my mouth with my sleeve before pushing open to an intimidatingly large door

[ "This princess, greets his royal majesty, the emperor" ]

I say in my most posh and princessy (is that even a word? Who knows) manner

[ "Hm, who are you trying to fool with your politeness? Am I not clear on your behaviour and gluttonous ways? So there really is no point om what you are doing, just act as you really are" ]

I can feel my smile tighten unnaturally

Gosh, can he never just praise me as a normal Father would?

Well whatever at least I can drop the gestures

My eyes lock onto a pure white platter loaded with light and fluffy cream puffs, half of them garnished with chocolate sauce and the other with powdered sugar

The fragrant smell fills my nose and empties my stomach completely

Forgetting about all the correct manners and etiquette, I totter over to the velvet couch and proceed to stuff my face with the light cream filled pastry

Mmm, this is truly heaven for a passionate sweet lover~

It took me a few cream puffs before I finally noticed the mocking smirk on my Fathers face

Suddenly, I feel quite awkward...

He walks to me, completely alarming the surprised me

He moves his hand up to my face and out of reflex I shut my eyes

I feel a wipe on the side of my lips and then... that's it..?

I open my eyes to see him wiping his hands with a cloth or tissue of some sort

[ "If you are going to be a glutton, at least try and keep the food off your face" ]

He says well throwing the white clothing that had been now stained with a small patch of cream

I puff out my cheeks unknowingly

[ "Yeah, yeah" ]

I say not realising how much of a brat I sounded like as I continue to dig into more and more cream puffs

Father is staring at me in an amusing manner and I have now realised what I had just done

My cheeks feel hot

[ "Y-you said I can act as I am!" ]

I blurt out causing him to laugh loudly

Ahh, my face is getting even warmer...

[ "Indeed. Indeed I did" ]

He says well smiling but this time it wasn't the usual mocking and teasing a smile

This... this expression was another new one to me

He almost looked... like a pure child

For a second I was enchanted by his beautiful smile before he turned away and it disappeared

[ "Today I have something for you." ]

I put down my cup of milk

I dislike tea for some reason and struggle to drink it thus milk and juice have been my replacements

[ "Eh?" ]

W-what does he mean?

[ "Bring them in" ]

A pair of beautiful, purple, curly haired girls walk in

They looked identical with their calm expression and noble demeanour

Eh, what is this?!

Chapter End

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