Chapter XXX

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Cadence's POV

I hide between the twins as we walk through the seemingly endless hallway

So many eyes are staring at us and I can't help but feel pressured by it, although I have grown a little bit used to it after all those banquets and balls

Just a tad, tiny little bit

[ "That girl earlier, my goodness! I can not believe that a noble lady could be raised into such a haughty girl, how preposterous!" ]

Claira nods, agreeing to Allycia's words

[ "They both turned the corner, not realising each other would be there thus causing a collision. It was a careless accident on both ends, it was not Cadence's fault alone!"]

She adds on

Once again, I can't help but feel impressed by the twins

I know that I am now in a completely different world, but still to hear 8 year olds speak like this is just...

[ "Well anyways, hopefully that was the first and last encounter of such sort. Or else, we will need to take it in our own hands to discipline her hehe~♡" ]

S-scary! To hear such words come out from Claira's mouth! And that giggle- how chilling!

She really didn't do anything that bad so please calm down!

[ "Cadence? Cadence, we've arrived at the classroom now" ]

[ "Ah! S-sorry!" ]

Seems I was spacing out a little too much...

We enter to see a great number of people already present and seated

Although there are many students, one girl in particular catches my eyes

Fluffy pink hair, skin white as snow and large doey eyes that seemed to draw everyone in

H-how cute! That girl is so adorable! Her hair looks like cotton candy, wow how tasty~

A flock of boys are surrounding the adorable looking girl

I guess it's natural, boys this age are undoubtedly going to take interest in such a cute girl

Even I myself want to go up and cuddle her!

We make brief eye contact and she gives me a slight smile

C-cute! So so cute!

I'm still in a slight daze as Allycia and Claira drag me to the back of the room

We all take a seat next to each other in the second back row

The classrooms are set up like university lecture rooms so it's blatantly obvious people are turning there heads to sneak looks at us

I feel myself sink in my chair at there glances

I really dislike getting so many stares by strangers all at once...

It's making me feel incredibly conscious of my actions, as if I'm unknowingly doing something stupid looking

Just in case, I straighten my posture and tidy up my uniform

How I wish I had a mirror right now...

The teacher walks in and bows to the class

Her hair is perfectly silky straight and an ash blonde colour that I find very pretty on her

I notice her figure is undeniably well proportioned with all the right bits in the right places

Gosh how I really wished that my body would also develop to be like hers!

But somehow she looks a bit familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it....

[ "Good morning to all you newcomers, my first name is Laora, please just address me as Miss Laora." ]

[ "Throughout this year, I will be your main teacher and instructor. I hope that we may all get along with each other"]

She says with a slight smile

Hm I still feel like I've seen her somewhere but I just can't remember...

In the end I tap the twins shoulder and whisper to them softly,

[ "Allycia, Claira our teacher... she looks familiar. Is she some sort of noble?" ]

They both look at me slightly shocked

[ "Not just a noble, she is the empires eldest princess, and your half elder sister. Pardon me, but how can you not recognise Princess Laora?" ]

Allycia responds to me


[ "I... I've never really interacted with any of my siblings besides Levin... I've only ever briefly seen them at events, but even then we've never once talked" ]

Honestly, I've almost forgotten that I actually have so many siblings besides Levin

But gosh the emperor sure is something, 11 children from 6 different women!

I'm not sure about Father's age, but judging by his face there's no way he can be any older than 30 right?

No, but Princess Laora is 17 years old this year, and that would mean he had her at 13 years old!

H-how obscene!

Either the emperor is extremely fertile or extremely energetic!

But he really does have strong genes, princess Laora is no exception to the royal families beauty and charm

[ "To start of our semester, you will all be required to complete this test. It will be your first exam and allow me to get a clear insight on each of your individual capabilities" ]

Miss Laora explains whilst using magic to fly the papers across the room, one landing on each of our desks

The whole class, including me is mesmerized at her display of magic

For most if not all of us, we've learnt only magic theory and law but never actually practiced it, as the empires law states that it is too risky to do alone without suitable supervision

I will admit, I've tried magic a couple times when I was alone but no matter how much effort I put it would always amount to nothing

Sigh, maybe I really am magic less... the wings gave me excitement and hope but so far they've been useless...

I'm too scared to even try flying with them, after all what if something goes wrong?

I'd rather just play it safe for my own sake...

[ "You have the rest of this class to complete the test. I wish the best of luck to all of you" ]

Miss Laora says before everyone frantically starts to answer the questions

I'm pleasantly surpised to find out that I was able to answer every question with ease

I'm not sure if the test is on an easy level but I guess all those tutors and hours spent were worth it

Class goes by in a flash and I watch as people shout and panic when there test paper disappears

It seems not everyone was able to finish in time

I glance over at the twins to see that they were both calm and composed as usual

I guess that unlike the others they also were able to complete it on time

Mm, as expected of them

[ "Now that class is over, shall we head to the cafeteria for some snacks?" ]

Allycia says with a smile on her face

My face brightens as I nod in full agreement

In the end nothing beats the utter bliss of eating delicious food!

The twins both giggle as we all head to the cafeteria with the help of a school map provided by Miss Laora

Chapter XXX End

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