Chapter 4

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I could tell that Kate was still worried so I stopped her just before we entered the park.

“What,” she asked me confusedly.

“You still seem worried,” I answered.

“Let’s go swing and I’ll tell you what I’m so worried about because I don’t think anybody else is here yet,” she said. I followed her over to the swings and we both sat down.

“So what is it that you’re worried about,” I asked her after a few minutes of her not saying anything.

“I don’t know what to do about Christian,” she admitted quietly. “I just think that it might be kind of awkward between the two of us and I don’t know how to go about the whole situation.”

“You need to actually talk to him about it because it’s your guys’ situation and you two need to fix it. I’ll help but I’m not going to come in the middle of you and him. Kate, Christian really likes you and I know this because he’s been moping his house ever since you broke up with him. If you feel that you two shouldn’t be together just for as long as your dad’s here, then you need to explain that to Christian. Trust me, even though he hasn’t made a move to talk to you ever since you broke up with him Christian’s not going to give up on you until he gets you back.”

“I guess that it won’t hurt anything if I talk to him,” she shrugged.

“Good,” I told her. “Now, come on cause the boys’ and Sarah are here.”

“Where,” Kate asked me.

“They’re by the ramps,” I answered as I stood up. She followed me over to where Nick, Nate, Christian, and Sarah were standing.

Kate still seemed nervous but I decided to let it go because I figured that she wouldn’t let up until she knew that everything really was okay.


I wasn’t really planning on Kate wanting to to to me much about what was going on between us so it surprised me when she walked up to me and said, “Hey, can we talk?”

“Of course, where do you want to go,” I asked her.

“How about the swings,” she suggested.

“K,” I agreed.

“We’ll be by the swings if anybody needs us,” she told everybody else, then she led the way to the swings.

“So what exactly did you want to talk about,” I asked her as each of us took a seat on a swing and started swinging a little.

“What isn’t there for us to talk about,” she sighed. “Look, I know that you’re hurt because I broke up with you and I really am sorry about it.”

“How do you know that,” I asked her. “You and me haven’t even talked in the past couple of days so how would you know?”

“I know that you really do care about me and I know that me breaking up with you must have hurt you because it probably seemed like I don’t care about you. Christian, I broke up with you because I thought that it was the best thing to do since it’ll keep you safe. I’m not planning on us staying broken up, okay? I promise you that if you want me back after this whole mess is over, then I’m all yours. I’m doing this because I’m hoping that it’ll keep you safe until my real dad’s gone. Do you understand?”

“On some level I do, but on a completely different level I don’t,” I told her.

“What do you mean,” she asked me confusedly.

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