Ch. 33

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A/N: Guys, I get it. The last chapter was frustrating and this one will be too. Just bear with me, because it all gets fixed and the rest of the story will be happy and will make up for it.

Pansy joined them quickly, bringing in some food with her at Hermione's request shortly after she had received the initial invite. Ginny was happy when Pansy didn't say anything about what had happened between her and Blaise, and the girls camped out in the Room for the entire day.

Hermione stopped drinking a little after dinner so that she could sober up before rounds, but Pansy had managed to somehow summon another bottle of vodka that she was keeping in her dorm. The three of them fell into a fit of giggles thinking about how many people it could've hit in the head on the way to the room.

"Are you sure you need to go to rounds?" Ginny asked from the small inlet couch.

"Yes, I'm letting you two off since you aren't sober, so I need to make sure that I show up at least so no one gets suspicious," Hermione said. "I'll be back right after, I promise!"

"Good, because we are not finishing this by ourselves," Pansy laughed as she held up the brand new bottle.

"Am I the only one not sneaking alcohol into the dorms?" Hermione asked, unable to stop a smile.

"Probably," Ginny grinned. "You are a goody-two-shoes though."

Scoffing, Hermione waded back through the water towards the door, drying herself off with her wand. "Someone in this group needs to be!"

"Right, and I'm the jock, and Pansy's the one no one messes with!" Ginny said, holding up her cup to Pansy.

Pansy clinked hers against Ginny's with a grin and said, "I think we all fall under the 'no one messes with' category. You both are honestly terrifying."

"We just don't take any shit," Ginny shrugged.

Hermione had finished pulling her clothes over her now-dry swimsuit, sighing and looking down at her watch. "Alright, I should be back soon, hopefully."

"Don't stay out too late," Pansy grinned slyly.

Hermione scrunched her nose up playfully as she walked out of the Room, leaving Ginny and Pansy laughing with each other behind. As she quickly made her way down the stairs, she smiled when she saw Draco coming up a set from below.

"Well hello there!" He said happily upon seeing her.

She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug. "Hi Draco!"

"You've been hiding from me all day, I missed you!" He said quietly before pulling away.

"I wasn't hiding," She scoffed as they started to slowly walk around the sixth floor. "I was keeping Ginny company."

"How is she?" He asked.

She gave a heavy sigh while shrugging. "I mean, at this point she's with Pansy so she's in good hands. She was doing alright when I left."

He nodded. "Good. Blaise told me what happened."

"I just can't believe he's being that selfish," Hermione said, shaking her head. "He has no idea what Ginny's going through with this."

Draco gave her an odd look. "You're siding with Ginny on this?"

"Why wouldn't I?" She asked, returning his odd look. "I'm not saying she's completely in the right, nor is he. But he doesn't seem to be seeing her side of things."

"I mean, I don't think she really understands how patient he's been with waiting," Draco countered slowly.

Hermione paused and tilted her head slightly, narrowing her eyes at him. "Do you think Ginny's completely wrong?"

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