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"oh Y/n don't think I didn't stop looking"

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"oh Y/n don't think I didn't stop looking"

I dip the brush in paint and start painting. I relax and let my hand do whatever it wants. I mean think of painting like this

When you paint you are the writer, you are a person creating a story but it's not written in words it's more in visuals. Whether if it's black and white and grey to give a peaceful dark mood. Or if the colors are vibrant and have life and joy into it. You are the writer and you create your adventures.

As I pick up my tiny brush I listen to the music in the background. It's very calming, I sometimes think about what would happen if I didn't have the boys.

God, I would have been a train wreck. Could you imagine, especially after the breakup? I would have gain 37 pounds in one night due to the amount of food I was eating because of my sadness.

I smile as I look down on at the painting bellow me. Yes, not finish by the way the watercolor looks are cool. I wis-"Y/N JIMIN won't GET HIS BUTT OFF OF ME!" And I thought my day was going to be relaxing. That's a funny joke.

I giggle and wipe my hands, still, there are many on it but who cares.
I open the door and go down the stairs. I can smell Jin cooking dinner for us and when I get to the last step I see Jungkook on the couch with Jimin sitting on his stomach.

I smile and turn my head to the others. "WHAT Y/n your gonna leave me as this" Jungkook says but I ignore him. I see Namjoon trying to teach the elders how to cook.

Yeah, that will be funny. I pull out my phone and take a picture of this and giggle. Yep, that is definitely going into the scrapbook. I turn back to Jungkook and Jimin and wander over to them. "Jimin why are you sitting on Jungkook baby," I say as I rub his head and Jungkook whines for attention who I pet his head to and they both melt.

"He took my blanket"
"Aww bud it's ok, Jungkook" I direct my eyes to him and I stop his head pets. He looks at my eyes and if you say his face. His little pout of the lip is so adorable. "Hunny you can't take stuff without asking first ok bud" he nods and eventually gives Jimin his blanket back.

"Now Jimin can you get off of Jungkook," I ask him and he shakes his head no and crosses his arms but he still has a smile. "This is Jungkooks punishment" Jungkook glances at me with fearful eyes and begs me to get him I'm off.

"Y/n it's not fair" I giggle and lean down. "And why is that bud," I ask and he pouts and looks at Jimin. "He didn't ask for permission to sit on me" and he crosses his arms.

I full on laughed and then left. They will solve it themselves.

I go into the kitchen to see Jin yelling at Namjoon. "I swear everything in this house you break! Wh-" Jin is cut off when he sees me. "Y/n want to help me cook" I chuckle at his little mood change and walk over. I see he is cooking chicken and rice but it smelt paradisiacal. (A/n what's your favorite food)

"Nah I'm ok bud" we conversed for a little and Namjoon escaped Jin when I walked in. I mean I kind of understands. I wouldn't want to be yelled at by Jin either.

Ding dong

I leave and go to my front door. When I pass the living from I see that the boys are situated watching tv and cuddling against one another. And soon Jin follows to cuddle. I suspect the chicken is sizzling or something.

I go to my door and open it. I inhale the scent rain that's hiring the floor and smile. I look down as a prince of hair falls down the side of my face.
What's this.

I see a note with a stamp on it. I pick it up and analyze the stamp. It looks so familiar but I don't know. It's red with a dragon design on it.

I take it inside and go sit on the couch near the door. I see Hobie look back and smile and I wave back before looking down. "Hey Y/n what you got there, " JHope says and I shake my head. "A note," I say and open it.

Once I opened it I could never forget what I saw.

In there in bold writing, the same writing that he used when writing his letters. There it said

"Y/n don't think I didn't stop staring"

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