Chapter 2 : I won't give up!:

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~Three weeks later~

"Dude if your not gonna get over her you've gotta just confess and get the rejection over with already!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Why? Isn't it easier to just keep it to your self?" I asked reasonably.

"No man its the exact opposite you gotta confess and then you can get over her. You only have so much time left you know, this is the last week of the quarter the timings perfect be the last confession of the second quarter and so she'll be thinking about you all throughout the break." He said knowingly.

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"It's not rocket science bro you just gotta think a little." He said tapping the side of his head.

"When did you become so weird...?"

"I'm not weird you are for not coming up with it your self."

"Fine I'll confess tomarrow it's the last day of the quarter then anyway..." I said hating my self for how I was actually gonna use his idea.

"Good." he said with a sly smile.

"What about you huh? When are you gonna tell Megan you wanna get back together." I asked. His smirk was gone instantly.

"Who said I wanted to get back together with her." He shot back defensively.

"Come on I'd have to be blind to not know that you never stopped liking her."

"She broke up with me end of story..."

"Yeah but you don't want it to be. Why'd you break up any way?"

"Cause she was always telling Olyvia how hot other guys were and I always got jealous and she didn't like it and broke it off."

"Well think about it she could have been saying they were hot cause she liked them, but she also could have been trying to get Olyvia to become interested in them too..."

"Hmm... I guess that could be true... I mean since Olyvia is always turning everyone down..." He said thoughtfully.

"So what do you say give it another shot?"

"Fine, but your not getting out of confessing to Olyvia..."

"Yeah I figured you wouldn't let me out of that one..."

Then the bell rang and we went home.

~The next day~

I was sitting on a bench with Megan talking when, to both of our surprise, she suddenly got pulled away by Tommy. I hope things go well....

I'm just siting there alone now listening to don't wake me up by the hush sound when suddenly I notice Aaron (...I think that was his name...) walking over to me.

"Err... Hey Aaron...?" I asked hoping that I got the name right. I turned off my music.

"Hi Olyvia..." He said with a shy half smile.

"What's up...?" I asked a bit awkwardly.

"Nothing much it's the last day of the quarter... Umm.. Are you going to do anything cool over the break?"

"No not really..." And please don't ask me to do something with you. I added silently.

"Oh nether do I... I'll probably just be raking leaves..." He said making a face.

"Oh well that's cool I guess..." Please shoot me now!

Wow her eyes are even more pretty up close... Today they are green with an amber tint. They are so breathtaking. Aaron thought.

"Your eyes are beautiful." He said before he could stop himself. Shist! I probably just totally ruined my first conversation with her..

"Err thanks I like yours too..." I shocked my self by replying. Damn! Why did I say that now he will take it even harder if I have to reject him because he will think he had a chance... No!!!

"Oh thanks." He replied clearly surprised by the complement and

quite possibly blushing.

"Err... Anyway...." He started.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Well I know you get this a lot but." Oh no, nothing good can come from that sentence....

"I'm in love with you."

"Why?" I asked honestly curious most people say something stupid like have you looked at your self recently.

"I don't need a reason. Love doesn't have a reason it just is."

"So you would still like me if I was the ugliest girl in school?"

"I would still love you even if you were the ugliest girl in the universe." Oh my god... Is he serious...?

"Man... I really should like you... But I don't... I'm really sorry...." I said feeling horrible... Well this is the part where he says ok and is over me in seconds anyway... Even if he did say such sweet honest sounding words...

"... I wont give up on you!" ....Wait what?!

"I might not be worthy of your love but I will try to earn it anyway."

"What? Shouldn't you be over me by now?"

"Is that what the other guys you rejected have been like, you reject them and they instantly got over you? Well unlike them I truly like you and when you truly love someone you don't get over someone just because they don't want you... You can't..."

I gased at him with open mouthed shock, no guy has ever talked to me like this... Never.... Why can't I like him? Why can I never like any of them....? What is wrong with me!


**Megan and Tommy**

"Tommy why did you drag me away like that?" Megan asked shocked.

"Because I needed to talk with you."

"Huh?" She asked tilting her head in confusion.

"Damn your adorable!" Tommy said and before he could stop him self he kissed her.

"What was that!?" She demanded.

"I've wanted to do that every second since I first met you even after we broke up." Megan melted at those words.

"I missed you so much..." He continued but she silenced him.

"I missed you too..." he gave her a hopeful look. "But if we get back together wouldn't things just be the same as they were?"

"No, because I realize that I was insecure when we first dated I guess when you said other guys were hot I was worried that you would rather be dating them then me... But I realized that was wrong... You could of been dating them if you wanted to but you choose me... And I hope you'd choose me again..." He trailed off looking at the ground.

"Tommy..." She said quietly and tilted his head up so he was looking at her. He looked so sad... So desperate looking into her eyes for any hope of being able to call her his again.

"Tommy what do you think that I'd reject you?" She asked a little teasingly.

"... You mean you won't?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Of course I won't... Do you think I would do this if I planed on rejecting you?"

"Wha-" He was cut off by a kiss.

They blissfully made out for the rest of lunch.

I'm not unloved, I'm just loveless.Where stories live. Discover now