Chapter 8 : Is The Curse Broken...?:

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****A/N: do not skip/skim. I don't care if you skimmed the rest of the book

(well I do but still....) if you skim/skip this part you'll be extreemly confused cause this is basically the most important chapter...***

I look at the house in front of me it has a brick base that faded into the white wood framing and some spidery tendrils of ivy and vines creeping their way up but only reaching a little over half way ,kind of like a kid trying to reach up for a cookie jar just out of reach, and last but not least a cute little cupola peeking out from the top of the roof. man I'd love to go up there... I bet the view is amazing, I thought, and unlike I would have thought it's not a creepy place or anything it's relatively normal with a slightly mysterious vibe.

Aaron and I walk up the stairs of the antique styled (or posabliy just naturally like that...?) porch and I, after a moments pause, grab the handle of the brass lions head knocker on the door and gently rapp on the door. I hear a bit of shuffling and then I hear the sound of a chain lock being removed the door creaks open.


I don't know what I expected but what I saw was not it. Zel was of medium height, with soft red-brown hair (that somehow wasnt grey and looked natural) and mysterious grey eyes that looked like they could suck you in and tell you of magical things... Well if she liked you that is, and I didn't really think she would considering what I heard.

"Yes? Do you need something? You look quite familiar do I know you?" She asked curiously her eyes warm.

"You saw me once as a baby..." I reply not knowing wether to hope for her to remember or to have forgotten.

"Could you be Olyvia?" She askes tentatively, her eyes turning from warm to luke-warm.

"Err yes." I answered carefully, hoping she didn't turn to ice.

"I've been expecting you for quite some time now... Don't tell me you only just now realized about it." She startles me by saying, her eyes stay luke-warm but now they have an amused twinkle in them... Do I entertain her...?

"Umm... Yeah..." I say probably confirming her suspicions... I sure hope that wasn't a rhetorical question other wise now she probably finds me quite stupid.

"Well don't just stand there come in come in!" I look at Aaron and then cautiously step into the house. The house was as amazing on the inside as it was on the outside with a grandfather clock and a spiral stair case that I assume is to the cupola.

"You can gawk later, now don't we have some business to attend to?"

"Yeah... I wish to know how to break the curse you put on me."

"Wishing will get you nowhere dear." She responds plainly.

"Then I require the knowledge of how to break the curse."

"Well that I can help you with!" She replied with a smile.

"Well then how do I do it?"

"Think about it how do they always break the curses in the fairy tales?" She riddled.

"...True loves kiss...?" I ask hesitantly.

"Bingo! But of course it's not that simple."

"It never is..." I reply wistfully.

"But what's the catch? Can you out wit me dearie? So far not a one has." She challenged.

"Well... If its true love... And it's not so simple then it can't be just someone who truly loves me... So by that logic then it must be me... Plus it makes since since you did it for revenge..." She cut me off.

"She said it was for revenge? That crazy old bat! I was doing' you a favor cause when the love of my life left me for my best friend I went off the deep end so I made it so you couldn't love so it wouldn't happen to you." She half explained half ranted.

"...What? But she said you also stole back my father too! What was that for?"

"Huh? Oh thaatt, that was because I couldn't stop my self... I'm a poor fool, I am... Still love 'im even now."

"Why didn't you just make me unloveable? This way I'm hurting others cause I have to reject guys all the time cause well who knows why!"

"Well... I can make you able to love but unloveable and have the solution be true loves kiss but in this case it won't be your true love but someone who loves you unconditionally."

"Well as the saying goes its better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all."

"Ok if your sure you want this..."

"What will happen? Will it be like when I become unloveable would it be my personality or my looks or both and other then being able to love would I be go back to the same as a am now if I can find true love?"

"You will simply become unloveable darling don't make some big thing about it..."

"Well ok then..."

"Well I, Zel, here by terminate the curse making you unable to love," A sudden warmth blows threw my body straight to my bones, and my formerly frozen heart begins to beat."In place for a new curse making Olyvia Treger unloveable." A cooler breeze blows threw my bones, and I feel myself changing... My hair more tangled and limp, my eyes dull, my thoughts become more mean, muddled... But thankfully I still remember my plan.


"Y-yes?" He said with horror and fascination as he watches the transformation take its hold on me.

"Do you remember what you told me when you confessed to me?"

"That I wouldn't give up on you?" He asked confused how that would help right about now.

"No, you said you would love me even if I was the ugliest girl in the universe. If that was true then kiss me if it breaks the curse I'll know you were truly being honest."

"Err you mean it? You really want me to kiss you?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes! If anyone can break this curse it's you." I reassure him honestly.

He walks towards me and gently takes my hand and looks into my eyes "Like I said when I confessed to you nothing will stop my love for you not even you becoming unloveable." He said in a gentle voice. "I never thought I'd have the chance to do this..." He murmered and then he gentaly brushed his lips agienst mine and slowly let it become deeper... It was the perfect first kiss. Will it work?

I'm not unloved, I'm just loveless.Where stories live. Discover now