Chapter 3 : What's wrong with me?:

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"Mom, I think there is something wrong with me...."

"What is it honey? Are you sick? Do you need to see the doctor?" My mom asked looking worried.

"No it's not that...."

She breathed a sigh of relief "Oh thank god... Well whats wrong then?"

"Well today the sweetest most amazing guy confessed to me..."

"Oh god your not pregnant are you?"

She asked looking horrafied.

"NO! Gosh mom where do you even get these things from??? Anyway as I was saying the sweetest most wonderful guy confessed to me but..."

"But what honey?"

"I...I turned him down..."

"What? Why?" She said looking extremely worried... Man, parents are weird.

"I didn't like him... Even though he's amazing and unlike the others he honestly likes me I just couldnt like him... I've never had even the tinniest crush on anyone."

"Oh boy, maybe Zel wasn't crazy after all... Maybe you really were cursed..." My mother muttered under her breath but I still heard her.

"What!? Who is Zel? And what curse?!" I asked extremely out of the loop, not unlike I usually am.

"Oh dear did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, yes, you did mother."

"I guess I have to tell you then... I was hoping it was just Zels crazy antics and nothing serious but I guess it might of had some truth to it." She said frowning.

"Will someone please tell me who Zel is?????"

"Zel was your fathers ex-girlfriend and my best friend."

"What?" I asked more confused then ever.

"I'll start from the beginning. Ok so Zel was my best friend and she was in love with your father so they started going out, then I guess your father realized that he was falling for me and broke up with Zel and asked me out. Since Zel was my best friend even though I liked him I turned him down but I ended up going out with him anyway cause we liked each other and Zel always was one to hold a grudge so when you were born she said 'since you stole my love, so I will return the favor by making sure your newborn daughter shall never be able to feel love.' At the time I didn't think she was serious, but I guess she was. She also stole back your father."

"So do you know how to break the curse?" I said playing along, plus it is the only thing that explains my lack of love.

"No she never said..."

"What kind of witch is she! Arn't you like required to tell how to break a curse?!" I said annoyed. Not only am I unable to love, but I don't know how to break the curse that makes me that way... Fml.

"You could always ask her."


"Zel, you could ask her." She clarified.

"How I don't know where she is, what would I do?"

"If I do recall she lives in Arizona."

"Really? Where?" I ask interested even if it is to confront a witch I have always wanted to go to Arizona.

"Umm... I think it was... Tuscan the little town in Tuscan she lives in at least use to be called Oro Valley. "

"Cool! This would be an awesome excuse to go!" I say excitedly.

"I don't want you going alone though... It could be dangerous."

I rolled my eyes at that, wow she can be such a mom sometimes "What if I get Megan to come two?"

"Do you really want Megan for your companion...?"

"What do you mean by that?" I say defensively.

"Nothing.. I just think she might not be the best to bring in this situation."

"Any way i'm going to call her."

"Ok dear."

I walked into my room and flop on my teal sheeted bed and find Megan's number among my contacts.

The phone rang four times before she picked up. "...Hello."

"Hey Megan."

"Oh hey Olyvia what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to Arizona with me?"

"What? Arizona? ...Err I can't..."

"Why not?" I ask trying to hide my disappoint.

"...Well... Err..." I could practly see her biting her lip trying to decide how to tell me. " I kinda..."

"Oh just spit it out already!" I exclaimed impatiently.

"I'm back together with Tommy." She said quickly.

"Finally! Sheesh it took you long enough... And I guess you wanna spend the break making up for Lost time?"

"Yes." A masculine voice answered.

"Hey Tommy." I replied.


"Treat Megan good alright?"

"Of course."

"Especially since it's your fault that she won't go to Arizona with me." I said teasingly.

"You know I'm sure Aaron would go with you..." he suggested impishly.

"Anyway bye!" I say and promptly hang up.

I'm gonna take Mia for a walk. Mia is my border collie shes one and a half years old, she's the sweetest, best dog ever (I know all pet owners but when I say it it's the truth).

So I was doing my normal walk/jog with Mia when she suddenly started tugging me in a different direction. What is she doing? She never acts up!

Suddenly she leaps nocks down the person in front of her and starts licking them.

"Hey there girl." Says a familiar voice says while stroking Mia's head.

"Your a pretty dog aren't you. I bet your a good girl."

I'm not unloved, I'm just loveless.Where stories live. Discover now