24 (Ending)

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"Dad!!!!" A loud yell was heard throughout the village.

A certain black haired male perked up as he heard the cry.

"What's wrong?" Itachi asks the blonde that had attached himself to his father figure.

"S-Sasuke said th-that you don't love me anymore because I-I wouldn't agree to his s-spar!" Naruto cries.

Itachi sighs at his little brother that had walked behind his blonde son with his arms crossed.

"What? That's the only way I could get him to agree to spar with me." Sasuke grunts.

"Hmm... You're lucky you didn't say that to Deidara. God knows what he'll do if you said that he wouldn't love Naruto because of a spar." Itachi says as he brushes Naruto's hair with his hand.

Sasuke chokes slightly and shivers at the mention of a certain long haired blonde.

"A-Anyways. He's always like this!" Sasuke complains and gestures to Naruto who actually had used Henge to transform himself to a 4 year old.

"Like what?" Itachi asks.

"Everytime he runs to you, he always looks like a baby." Sasuke says.

4 year old Naruto gasps dramatically at that and cries louder.

"Dad! S-Sasuke called me a b-b-baby!! 'm not a baby!" Naruto wails.

"Sasuke." Itachi sighs once again. "You know that he's more sensitive at this stage so why do you have to make him cry?"

Sasuke scowls because he definitely was not pouting.

"You're always more lenient to him when he's like this." Sasuke mutters.

"Of course I am. How long do you think I've had to pretend he was my son a year ago?" Itachi raises an eyebrow.

"Touchè." Sasuke sighs.

"Itachi! Un!!" A loud yell was heard before something blonde crashed into the poor man, gripping his shirt tightly.

"Deidara..." Itachi groans out a greeting.

"Where is he?! My Naruto Senses was tingling! He's crying isn't he?! I bet it's your brother's fault!" Deidara exclaims before noticing the crying baby in Itachi's arms and snatching the younger blonde up. "Ohh! My baby! Noooo! Who made you cry?!"

"How does he know all that?" Sasuke whispers to his brother.

"No one knows but we all call it his 'Mother instincts'. We still don't know if it's some sort of seal that goes off whenever Naruto cries or not but whatever it is, it's impressive." Itachi responds.

"You can say that again." Sasuke says as he and his brother watch Naruto get babied by Deidara.


"How long does this go for again?" Sasuke asks.

Itachi shrugs.

"Thanks. That's helpful." Sasuke says sarcastically.

"It really depends. We're lucky if it only lasts two hours. But sometimes the others would come and either break his coddling up or make it worse by joining in." Itachi informs.

"Little fox!!!" Obito yells and snatches the baby from Deidara's arms. "Is Deidara being a mother again?"

Naruto giggles.

"Obito! Don't hold him above your head like that! It's dangerous!" Deidara scolds.

"Oh come on~ You take him flying on your bird clay!" Obito whines.

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