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"That's three month's wages," John said as Freddie slapped a wad of money into the open hand of the studio worker.

"And a perfectly good van," Roger muttered, earning a jab in the ribs from Addy's elbow. The two shared a looked before Freddie turned to them.

"Don't be so dramatic, darling. You're recording an album tonight. Let's go!" He clapped his hands over his head and marched into the recording booth, and the rest of the boys followed.

"Should be fun, huh Adeline?" a blonde woman asked, smiling over at Addy.

"Indeed. I'm sorry, but you are —" Addy asked.

"Mary, Mary Austin. It's nice to finally meet you. Roger and Brian hardly shut up about you," she said, laughing a bit,

"I'll bet. Come on, before we miss them record." And the two women made their way into the studio. They sat themselves down on a couch on the other side of the booth, and Adeline waved to Brian.

"Show us what you're made of, Bri!"

A little while later, both Adeline and Mary were curled up on the couch, both with blankets draped over their bodies. In the background, a not s asleep Adeline could hear the first run through of the boys' demo, but she was too tired to lift her head.

"Don't you think I sound like shit?" Freddie asked.

"No, it's good," Brian said.

"Can we try it again?"

"Sure, yeah. It's your money," the man at the soundboard said.

"Literally," Deacy muttered, tapping his fingers. Soon, Freddie was back in the booth, and both Addy and Mary were sitting up by the time he came back out. Roger was beside Addy, his arm around her shoulders and his free hand moving with the beat of the song.

"Sounds a lot better," Deacy said as the tape stopped.

"We need to get experimental," Brian suggested, sitting forward a bit.

"Try bouncing us left and right for the 'ah-ah-ahs'," Freddie said, and Brian stood up from his seat.

"Now dead center for the last," Brian said over the song.

"And then blast it!" Roger called, standing with his fist in the air. He then turned and offered his hand to Addy, who took it and stood up with him. He then looped his arms around her waist and spun her around, making her laugh and hold onto his shoulders.

"Addy? Opinion?" Brian asked once Roger had set her down.

"I love it!" she laughed, loosely wrapping her arms around Roger to keep her balance.

"Then I suppose it's time to get back to work." Freddie grinned, and the four of them went back into the booth, eager to work a bit more. Adeline lowered herself back onto the couch as Mary stood, and together, they watched the boys swing a speaker from the ceiling, set tambourines on piano strings, drop coins onto timpanis, and drums spoons on pots and pans. However, Adeline was once again starting to doze off by the time another man entered the room.

"Oi, RT, who are these kids in the box?" he asked.

"A student band doing some weird stuff," RT replied.

"How about demos? You got some?"

"Been up all night, mate."


Adeline and the boys were all seated around the Bulsara's dining room table, with Adeline between Brian and Roger. Under the table, Roger was playing with her fingers, all while she had set her head on Brian's shoulder. They were listening to Mary translate her father's sign language into a story about her childhood, one that had them all chuckle once it was finished. Roger gave Addy's hand a squeeze, and after checking that Brian wasn't looking, he winked at her.

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