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Adeline was getting antsy. She and her cousin Abby were up in her and Roger's bedroom, with Adeline sitting in front of her vanity, and Abby right behind her.

"So, I was thinking that I could curl your hair in a way that it almost exactly frames your face. Or I could straighten it and your hair could look like the brunette version of his," Abby said as she twirled a strand of Adeline's hair around her fingers.

"Curl it," Adeline said quickly, glancing back at her cousin. Abby laughed and grabbed her curling iron and the hairbrush, gently tapping Adeline on the head.

"You got it. Why don't you pick out your makeup awhile, you blushing bride, you."

Adeline rolled her eyes as her cousin began to curl her hair. She already had her makeup splayed out on the vanity itself, along with her small pieces of jewellery.

"Did you remember the proverb? 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue'," Abby hummed as she worked the iron.

"Mhm. My something old is Grandma Prudence's amber earrings, the new is the necklace you bought my for my birthday, the borrowed is Brian's pinky ring, and the blue is a single delphinium flower in the middle of my bouquet," Adeline said, smiling softly.

"I forgot she gave you those earrings. And the good news is, they match your dress. You're going to look absolutely beautiful, Addy-bear," Abby whispered, setting the iron down so she could hug her briefly. Adeline held onto her arm as she was hugged, then she let go so Abby could finish curling her hair. When she finally did finish, Adeline could hardly recognize herself. Her hair looked shiny and sleek, and it brought out her eyes.

"It looks perfect, Abby. Thank you so much," she said, and the two hugged after the curling iron was unplugged, then set aside.

"You're very welcome. Now let's get your dress on so we can do your makeup and put on your jewels."

Abby helped Adeline up before going to her closet and pulling out a beautiful yellow bohemian dress. The skirt on it fanned out a bit, which was what sold them both on it. Once it was on, Adeline admired herself in the mirror, running her hand over her new curls. Abby had her sit back down before she helped with her jewellery and started doing her bridal makeup, keeping it light and simple so her coral lipstick stood out.

"We're almost done. Just one more thing." Abby pat her cousin on the head before leaving the room. Adeline smiled and looked at herself in the mirror, gently tapping her curls until Abby returned.

"We just needed this." With a smile, Abby set a flower crown just on top of Adeline's head, brushing her hair back with a small smile.

"There. All done. Addy, you look absolutely gorgeous. Your parents are gonna regret missing this," Abby said softly, setting her hands on Adeline's shoulders. They both started to tear up, so they squeezed each other's hands and shared a smile. There was a knock on the door frame that made them both look up, and Adeline couldn't help but smile. Brian stood in the doorway, holding her white rose bouquet with the single delphinium flower in the center.

"I barely even recognized you, Addy," he said, chuckling softly. She laughed and stood with Abby's help, and she walked over to her best friend, smiling warmly.

"I clean up nice," she said, taking the flowers from him. "Ready to give me away?"

"Never," he said, wrapping an arm around her in a gentle hug, making sure not to crush the flowers.

"You sap," she whispered, blinking back tears as she hugged him back. When they pulled away, Brian reached to adjust her flower crown, and he held out his arm for her to take.

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