A New Ally??

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It has been 2 days since Wanda arrived in Mystic Falls and since then, the Gilbert siblings have decided that Wanda should be told about the supernatural ongoings in Mystic Falls. Although Wanda was already aware of what went on in the small town, she couldn't tell her family that or suspicions would arise. She wanted to have a normal vacation in a town on the brink of war between supernatural. The avengers were her family and she was proud to say that, but she didn't want to be used as a pawn for the Scooby gang. If the paparazzi found out that the Scarlet Witch was in Mystic Falls her life would become as hectic as when the avengers had a civil war over the Accords.

So here she was, walking into Mystic with Elena on one side and Jeremy on the other. The Scooby gang had gotten a call off Elena saying she had someone she wanted them to meet. With the Mikaelsons in town, the Scooby gang we're hoping that this person could be used against them. That was when they noticed the girl between both Gilberts. She really was beautiful. Although to them she looked like any other human in a town full of werewolves, witches, vampires and now hybrids, they couldn't be more wrong. She was quite possibly the strongest avenger now that she has the power of all the infinity stones. Wanda didn't want to be used by anyone, that included her own biological family. She would be supportive and help but she wouldn't be used and if she had to shout that from the roof of Mystic High School so people would leave her out of the supernatural business than she would. Although Elena didn't care if Wanda wanted to help or not. In Elena's eyes she was family and should have to do anything so that Elena would be safe. Wanda didn't agree.

The Scarlet Witch - A Klaus Mikaelson love storyWhere stories live. Discover now