A one time thing ?

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There will be mature scenes in this chapter

It had been a week since Wanda had last seen the Mikaelson brothers or, more specifically, Klaus. For some reason he wouldn't leave her mind. The way they danced together at the ball as he complimented her dress. The way his lips turned up at the side revealing an actual smile; a rare sight to see on the Original Hybrids face. The full moon was approaching and Wanda became worried for her friends' lives. She promised she would help in any way she could to get them unlinked (making sure she didn't reveal her secret life in any way). But today. Today Wanda just wasn't in the mood. It was the 3 year anniversary of the Battle with Ultron. It was 3 years ago today she lost her brother because of a piece of metal with a psychopaths beliefs. Steve had called her a week ago asking how she was and if she wanted to come home so she could be with her family; knowing that her brother was her only biological family left and now he was gone too. She couldn't go back to the compound with everyone stepping on eggshells around her, shooting her remorseful glances and asking how she was doing. She wanted to be alone. That was how she found herself sitting at Mystic grill drinking away her sorrows( a habit she picked up from Tony, although he stopped as soon as Peter entered his life). No one understood how she feeling being alone. Or so she thought... 😏
Wanda sat there, at the bar in the Grill alone. It wasn't very busy as it was currently 11am. After showing her real id to the bartender, he returned with a glass of bourbon and left the young woman to her sorrows. She knew that she was pretending to be a teenager at the local high school but this was the anniversary of her Pietro's death. She wasn't going to spend it crying at home with a tub of ice cream like she was getting over a break up. She wasn't going to go to school to get good grades to get a job when she already had one. A job that gave her, her family. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a presence  sit on the stool beside her.

"Now what's a pretty little thing like you doing sat in a bar at 11am?" He asked with his British accent. Wanda had to admit that she loved guys with accents, especially a British one.
"Drinking away her problems." Wanda sighed back. She turned to look at her neighbour noticing something in his eyes, she could have sworn it was concern for her but she shook the thought away.
"Tell me love. What's got you so upset that you've decided to miss school and get drunk?" Klaus asked.
Looking anywhere but at him, Wanda whispered, "It's the anniversary of my twin brother's death. I didn't want to stay in on my own so the next best place to come was here." She motioned to the bar with her hands.
Klaus gently used his fingers to bring your gaze to his eyes. They were a deep ocean blue. They held sadness and anger, but also concern. There was something else in them too that Wanda couldn't make out.
"Tell me about him"Klaus said still starring into Wanda's emerald green eyes. So she did. She sat there for hours with the most dangerous original rambling on about anything and everything that was on your mind. He didn't seem to mind. He just sat there listening and occasionally making comments to let Wanda know he was actually listening. A few drinks later and Wanda was tipsy but still knew what she was doing.
"It's getting late," Klaus said placing a hand on her thigh to get her attention. "School will finish soon and I don't believe you want the Scooby Gang seeing you sat at a bar, slightly tipsy chatting with the original hybrid when you're underage." He had his usual smirk on his lips but his eyes were caring. "Allow me to take you home?" He asked holding out him arm. "It would be wrong of me to leave a lady alone in her time of need." Wanda grabbed onto his arm and began to give him directions to her house.

 Wanda's house was a gift of the avengers

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Wanda's house was a gift of the avengers. They made sure it had everything she could need and more. She claimed that she didn't need such a big house just for herself, to which they asked where they would sleep when they came to visit. Wanda thanked them all, mainly Tony as he was the one who paid. He was a billionaire though. The pool was her favourite part of the house. She loved to swim and paint. It helped her to relax when she would have nightmares about the battles she had been in.
Klaus walked Wanda  to her front door and watched as she got her keys out. She dropped them on the floor so she bent down to pick them up giving Klaus a full view of her arse. His member in his pants suddenly becoming hard. Wanda was Rebekah's friend which meant she was off limits even if he did want to make her scream his name. Which, at the moment looking as she picked up your keys, her really wanted to do. Wanda stood back up and opened the door. Stepping inside the house she turned to look at Klaus biting her lip as if contemplating what to do next.

"Klaus?" Wanda asked. She twirled a price of hair round her fingers batting her eyes lashes at him. Klaus was intrigued by her and wanted to see what was under her dress.

"Yes love?" Klaus answered, his eyes flickering to Wanda's red lips.

"Do you want to come in?" Wanda whispered into his ear seductively as she pulled of her leather jacket hanging up. Klaus just stared at her in shock. People don't normally invite him into their house willingly. Stepping inside, he closed the door behind him trying to make his boner go down.  It wasn't working. As he turned round to look at Wanda, she smashed her lips with his. Shocked, Klaus quickly recovered and started to kiss back passionately. He pulled away and looked at Wanda's eyes. His eyes held a new emotion in them: lust. Wanda leaned forward and kissed his lips while moving her hands into his sandy blond hair tugging at his curls. He kissed back making her moan giving him access to stick his tongue in and start exploring each other's mouths. Using his supernatural strength and speed he picked up Wanda's legs and wrapped them around his thighs as he spend them off upstairs managing to find her bedroom. Pushing her into the bed, Klaus climbed over him looking down before sucking on her neck. His lips reached her ear and he whispered to her

"Are you sure you can handle me Wanda? I'm not going to stop till your screaming my name." He chuckled before continuing with his speech. "When I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk right for a week. No one will be able to please you like I will.  Are you sure you can handle the Alpha, love?"

Wanda replied in the same low voice, " I don't want to be alone tonight and who better to keep me company than the Original Hybrid. You know I've heard about you: How women that always want more. I'm well aware what you can do Klaus."Wanda runs her hands under his shirt making him growl. "I've heard what you can do and now I want you to do it!"

That was all Klaus needed to hear as he began to rip of he clothes leaving her naked. He slowly kissed her body praising her looks as he did. Wanda took off Klaus' clothes leaving him in just his boxers.
Klaus lived up to his promise. Wanda was screaming her name as she reached nirvana.  Both enjoying each other, each movement was full of lust.  The hybrid and the avenger reached climax together and both drifted off into a deep sleep. Klaus was right Wanda wouldn't be able to walk right.
Waking up in the morning, Wanda remembered the events of last night a smile came across her face. A muscular arm reached over her and turned her over to look at its owner. Klaus laid there with a smirk on his face, his hair messy and untamed do to Wanda's tugging at it all night. Wanda was the first to speak,
"Rebekah can never know!" She stated sternly. "I don't regret last night at all but it was a one time thing."

Klaus raised an eyebrow at Wanda. Her being bossy was a big turn on. "I agree with the not telling Rebekah part. She would kill me if she found out I slept with her best friend. But are you sure you only want this to be a one time thing?" Klaus asked as Wanda stood up and started to head towards he bathroom. "I'm up for round two if you are?" A smirk spread across his face. Wanda didn't reply. She quickly turned and straddled Klaus kissing him deeply. The fun wasn't over yet! 

Thanks for reading. Please let me know if you liked this chapter. My friend suggested that I try to do a scene like this so here it is.  If you have any suggestions please let me know.

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