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Meeting the Scooby Gang went well for Wanda. She found that she liked some people more than others. Caroline, Matt, Alaric and Jeremy were her new friends. The others seemed to OK always being used as a pawn by Elena the dopplebitch. She had said to them that she was joining Mystic Falls high school tomorrow as a senior; the same year Elena and her new friends were in. Although Wanda was actually 23, ( I don't know her actual age it was never confirmed so I have decided to make her 23 as It fits my story,) she could get away with being 18, so she did. Wanda never had a chance to have a normal childhood after being taken and experimented on by Hydra with her twin brother Pietro at that age of 10. She wanted to experience a normal teenagers life for a few months.

Walking into Mystic High, she noticed all of the stares she was getting. It was unusual for a small town to get new students, especially ones that were from New York but had a Russian accent. Through the years of living with the avengers, her accent became weaker but if she got angry, the thick accent would come through and make her sound more dangerous that she actually was if that was even possible. After getting her timetable she saw that her first class was history with Mr Saltzman. She enjoyed history as through out her years at Hydra, the only interaction with the outside world was from the radio one of the guards would put on when it was his turn to watch experiment 252 (I made this up. I know Wanda and Pietro volunteered to go to hydra in the comics but in this story they were kidnapped)

Noticing the new girl didn't know where to go, Rebekah Mikaelson decided this would be the perfect time to make a friend that wasn't linked to the Scooby Gang. She walked over and introduced herself.
"You seem lost. I'm assuming you're a senior so that must mean you have history like me. I can show you were it is if you want?" Rebekah asked with a welcoming smile on her face.
"Thank you! I'm Wanda. Guess being new isn't all fun and games. I don't know how I, going to make it through the day. The only people I know are Elena and her friends and too be honest, she seems like a bitch."
"At least I'm not the only only one who thinks she's a bitch. I'm Rebekah."
"You mean the Rebekah Mikaelson. Original vampire. The girl the Scooby gang warned me to avoid because she is a bitch and her brother wants the doppelgängers blood."Wanda said as the 2 girls walked together to Alaric's classroom,"I think we're going to be great friends."
Rebekah released a breath she didn't know she was holding in and smiled at Wanda. The red headed beauty was right, they were going to be friends: best friends!
"You should come to cheerleading practice at lunch. I can tell you don't want to hang out with the doppelbitch for an hour."
Just as their conversation ended, both girls walked into the classroom. Rebekah winked at Elena as the girls passed and sat next to each other laughing at some inside joke. Elena glared at the blond original. She was hoping that Wanda would help out in the supernatural war to protect 'poor defenceless Elena. This girl who could do no wrong.' She was wrong.
The bell rang and Alaric stared to write on the board Ap History. He stated to explain about how the founders founded Mystic Falls when Wanda spoke up,"What about the vikings."
Rebekah looked over at her new friend and smiled. She had said the same thing when she first walked into history for the first time. Rebekah finally had someone who could be her best friend and not stab her in the back. Literally!

When it was lunch, Rebekah announced to the girls that they had a new team member. Wanda walked out in a cheerleading outfit and stood beside Rebekah. Caroline didn't mind Wanda but she didn't want someone to replace her in the team to she spoke up,"Is she even good. We need a strong team if we want to win the next competition." Wanda looked at Rebekah and winked then turned and started to run before doing impressive moves.

"Anyone else want to question my abilities. No. Good come one Rebekah, let's go."
After school, Rebekah invited Wanda around to her house for a sleepover. The Mikaelson ball, was tomorrow and Rebekah didn't want to go alone. Even though she had just met Wanda, she felt as though she was the sister she never had, so the blonde gave her invitation and decided that they would go dress shopping tomorrow morning and skip school. Wanda happily agreed so she drove home, packed an overnight bag and prepared for the Mikaelson family drama that was to come.

An.  I. So happy that people like my story. I will, try to update whenever possible. Please review.

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