Chapter 05

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Christmas came and soon Hogwarts castle was really magical. Hagrid had dragged multiple Christmas trees. Professor Flitwick was in charge of the decorations. Beautiful golden decorations where hanging in the trees. There were only two tables for the students in the Great Hall because many went home during the holidays. 

'Hello Hagrid, more trees, where do you put them?', Katie said cheerful when she and Severus were on their way to the Christmas breakfast. 'Oh wherever professor Flitwick feels to put them', Hagrid said and he waved while dragging the tree with him. 

'Ah if it isn't my lovely daughter and young master Snape', Dumbledore said cheerful. 'I forgot your dad would be at the festivities as well', Severus whispered nervously in my ear. 'Don't be afraid, he is my dad, he wants nothing but the best for me', Katie whispered back. 

'Merry Christmas dad, professor McGonagall, Slughorn', Katie said cheerful and she hugged her dad. 'Merry Christmas headmaster', Severus said a bit nervous. 'Exploding bon-bons, would you like to try one Mr. Snape', Dumbledore said. 'Uh yeah okay', Severus said a bit hesitating and he grabbed the other end of the exploding bon-bon that Dumbledore was holding.

A loud "bang" filled the hall and students looked up what was going on and laughed that Dumbledore was trying out a exploding bon-bon. 

A party hat appeared. 'I think you should trade hats dad', Katie said smiling. Dumbledore happily traded his wizarding hat for the party hat. 

'See, that wasn't so bad was it', Katie said while her and Severus went to sit down at the table. 'Good morning', a very cheerful Sirius Black came sitting down at the other side of Katie. 

Katie sighted. She would have hoped to spend the Christmas morning with Severus alone. Mission failed. 

'Morning', Katie mumbled. 'Have you two seen the weather outside, it is a perfect timing to have a snow ball fight, you are both in for a snowball fight right', Sirius said. 'No... I'm not. Me and Severus have other plans', Katie said a bit annoyed. 'Oh come on, remember last year. You and I were such a great team, we can be again', Sirius said. Katie rolled with her eyes and Severus picked in his food. His appetite was obviously lost. 

Suddenly Katie felt sorry for Sirius. His family blew him off at Christmas times even more then usual. James, Remus, Peter and Lily where at home to celebrate Christmas. He was alone. 

'I promise I'll have a snow ball fight with you later today, okay Sirius', Katie said. She looked Sirius in his eyes and pleaded that he would get the hint. He just smiled at her. 'Thanks Katie, means a lot, you know it does. I go and find Dennnis Jordan, he claims he found the kitchens and the house elves who work there', Sirius said. 

'Sorry about that. I just have to do something with him today as well. First I felt annoyed that he sat down here. Then I started thinking that he is alone, all of our friends are at home celebrating Christmas. I have you, he has no one, no one and especially not a friend of mine, should celebrate Christmas alone', Katie said. 

Severus looked into Katie's eyes. He adored her even more now she said that. He might have hated Sirius. Or he still hates him. But during Christmas time even he let his grudges go. Besides what was there to worry about. She was with him now. 

'I think it's amazing, the way you think about other people', Severus said suddenly. Katie looked up surprised. 'You are caring, you just care. You can't bare the thought of someone being left behind can you. That is also why you try so hard to make things right with me and Lily. But what I have said to her was my fault, my fault alone. When she comes back from the holidays, I shall try again to make it right with her', Severus said. 

'You have no idea how happy you just made me, it would be so amazing if my best friend and my boyfriend could get along again', Katie said. She just realized what she had called him. Severus had realized it too. 'Did you just...', he started. Katie nodded. Severus leaned forward and softly kissed her on her lips. 

They went out for a walk around the castle. The Quidditch field was empty. They walked trough a thick layer of snow. Within seconds their ankles were frozen. 'Damn it's cold, let's go back and get a hot chocolate', Katie said. 'I'm all ears for that, there is nothing less romantic then when your ankles fall off', Severus said. 

Katie grabbed her wand and whispered a spell that blew out hot air so she could make a snow free path to walk on. 'Brilliant', Severus said and he grabbed her hand as they walked at the snow free path. 

Severus and Katie had their promised hot chocolate. Made by the headmaster himself. 'Christmas gets in his head right?', Severus said. 'Yeah my dad is big on Christmas, he is... well my dad', Katie said. 'And your biological father?', Severus asked. 'I can't talk about that, well not yet. You will know eventually, I promise you that, once you do you understand why I don't talk about it', Katie said. 'You can tell me when you are ready', Severus said. 

Sirius came walking towards her. 'Oh no, I just warmed myself up, it's way to cold outside for a snow ball fight', Katie said. 'Oh that is okay, I settle for wizarding chest or Exploding Snap game, whatever feels right for you, your boyfriend can watch me kick your ass', Sirius said. 'Oh really', Katie said laughing. She was grateful that Sirius was planning on an indoor game and that he didn't send Severus away. It was a day full of surprises. It was true what they said. Christmas makes you less selfish. It makes you think about other people. It makes you care.  

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