Chapter 07

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Sirius and James were slowly coming around. James a bit faster since Lily is his girlfriend and Lily supported Katie. 

They all walked towards the common room when they noticed the fat lady was gone. No where in sight. 'What's going on', Katie said. 'I don't know, the fat lady is gone, maybe Peter forgot the password again', Sirius said. 'Hey', Peter stated. 'Oh your right behind us', Sirius said. 

'I need to get professor Dumbledore, after all I'm headboy', Remus said. 'I go with you', Katie said. 'No need for that, I'm already here', Dumbledore said. They all jumped. 'The fat lady is gone', Katie said. 'Mr. Filch, find the ghosts so they can help search for the fat lady', Dumbledore said. 

'No need for ghosts headmaster', Filch said. He pointed towards a painting where the fat lady was hidden. It was in a painting from a knight Sir. Cadogan. 'Dear lady, what happened to you', Dumbledore said. 

'He was like the devil, he wanted inside the Gryffindor common room, but I wouldn't let him headmaster, not without a password. He blew the door open with dark magic. I could jump into another painting just in time', the fat lady said. 

'Who was it, who was it that attacked you', Dumbledore said. Liam Holt professor, it was Liam Holt', the fat lady said. 

Katie was in shock. Her biological father tried to get into the Gryffindor common room. Everyone was looking at her. Even a few teachers who noticed that the Holt name belonged to her. 

They were all ordered to go to the Great Hall where sleeping bags were for all the students. 'I'm sorry I was such an ass', Sirius admitted while they were dragging their sleeping bags into one of the corners from the Great Hall. 'I should have told you', Katie sighted. 'Yes, you should have, but I didn't needed to be an ass about it, I was', Sirius said. 

'Severus, over here', Katie said. Severus came towards her. 'Hey I just heard', Severus said worried. 

Katie had told Severus after she told James, Remus, Sirius and Peter. He was really supportive. 'I'm okay, thank you. Why don't you come join us. I know we had our differences, but you and Lily were the best of friends once', Katie said. 

Severus and Lily both sighted. 'Can I talk to you Lily?', Severus asked. At that very moment Dumbledore shouted that everyone needed to be still and that it was bed time. No one dared to protest against their headmaster. 

Severus choose to put his sleeping bag next to Katie. He was on the very other end from Katie's friends.

There was no way they could sleep on the floor with nothing else but a sleeping bag to keep them warm. The candles were out so there was no warmth inside the Great Hall. Some students were fast asleep and snored. Others were just like they were wide awake. Katie tried to listen what Dumbledore had to say to professor Flitwick, Filch and McGonagall. 

'I've searched the Astronomy tower, nothing there sir. Ghost have helped with the sear trough the castle, they didn't see Mr. Holt wondering around the castle. The only person who has seen him is the fat lady', Filch said. 

'I wouldn't think that he would be wondering around the castle at this hour anymore. No, he is gone. Awaiting his next chance to get to his daughter Katie', Dumbledore said. 'Should we warn her headmaster?', professor Flitwick asked. 'I already did, she assured me that she would stay in the castle as much as she could', Dumbledore said. 'I thought that miss Holt was your daughter headmaster', Filch said. 'I'm her godfather actually, her mother named me his godfather', Dumbledore said. 

The next morning they all went back to their dorms with pain in their backs since they were laying on a stone floor that entire night. Lucky that it was weekend. 

Katie was laying in bed with her cat Fluffy on her lab. 'Come outside, it's beautiful, spring has finally arrived', Lily said. 

'No, I'm fine right here', Katie said. 'Come on Katie, you can't stay there forever', Lily said. 

Ever since Katies biological father entered the castle with force it has been hell for Katie. A lot of students were asking her questions since they always thought that she was Dumbledores daughter, just not by name. Some of the students were scared that she was a death Eater as well. She hasn't seen Severus for quite a while, but from what she heard he and Lily made up so that was a good thing. 

'Get up or I make you get up', Lily said and she threw a pillow at Katie. 'Fine, I'm up', Katie growled. Fluffy jumped off her lab. The pillow that Lily threw scared her off. 

'Be careful for my cat next time you throw a pillow', Katie warned. 'Oh Fluffy can deal with it, she's fine', Lily said. 

Severus was waiting on her as well. So where Sirius, Remus, Peter and James. 'We were wondering were our friend was, if she was alive good job Lily on getting her out of bed', James said and he kissed her. 

'So, you finally decided to get out of bed, I haven't seen you in days, I wonder if we are still boyfriend and girlfriend', Severus said a bit angry. 'Oh, lovers issues, we see you guys outside', Remus said. 

'So you have a Death Eater for a father, so what. I have an abusive one', Severus stated. Katie blinked. Severus has  never told her about his family. 'You have an abusive father, I'm so sorry', Katie said in shock. 'You would have known that maybe sooner if you actually show any interest in me at all', Severus said. 

'That is not fair', Katie said. 'Is it, not fair I mean. You are with your entire gang all the time. That stupid Potter included. Or you are with Lily, or spending time with Dumbledore. But spending time with me, your actual boyfriend. No', Severus said. 

'Fine, I don't spend time on you, but you don't spend time on me either. Now you and Lily are finally okay again you spend all the time you have with her. I can see the way you look at her. It is not the same way you look at me. You should look at me like that. You know what I think. I think that there maybe was a point that you liked me, maybe more then Lily even. But there was never a point that you actually loved me. Like you love Lily, I think I deserve better then that', Katie said. 

'So what are you saying, you are breaking up with me?', Severus hissed. 'I don't want to Severus, just please see that', Katie said. 'But you think it's for the best', Severus said. 'I still want us to have a chance, give it a real and honest try. Only if you know that you can fully go for me this time. I'll promise I make more time for you', Katie said. 

'I don't know if I can', Severus whispered. Tears welled up in Katie's eyes. 'I wish I could, but I can't', Severus said. 'Then there is nothing left to say Severus. I wish you could see how I've been there for you more then Lily ever was. I hope one day you see so', Katie said. 

'Please don't cry', Severus said. 'I'm done Severus, I don't know what else to say', Katie said. 

Katie walked away after that leaving Severus behind. She was sad. Sad that her first relationship had to end that way. 

'Is everything okay?', Lily asked softly when she came outside. Katie shook her head and suddenly started to cry. 'Hey, sssh tell us what is the matter, what did Snivillus do this time', Sirius said. 

Katie didn't say anything but just cried. 'No remark on Snivillus?', Sirius said surprised. 'It must be bad', Peter said. 

'We broke up', Katie said. 'What, why?', Lily asked. 'Because he loves you Lily, can't you see. The way he looks at you is the way he should look at me, but he doesn't, but that is apparently also my fault for not spending enough time with him', Katie sniffed. 

'I never gave him any reason to love me', Lily whispered. 'He just does, you can't help who you fall in love with, I know that now. When that love is not returned. It just sucks', Katie said. 

'There will be more fish in the sea, better then Snivillus. Does this mean I finally have another chance', Sirius said. That made Katie laugh. 

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