Chapter 08

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Katie went to visit Nesitah. Her Merfolk friend. 'It's been a while', Nesitah said. 'Sorry, I've been busy', Katie replied. 'I know, Dumbledore told me. I was getting worried', Nesitah said. 'It's okay, but if things couldn't get any worse, watch this. Severus and I split up', Katie said. 

'Why?', Nesitah asked. 'Because he was to busy to stare at another woman, who happen to be my best friend', Katie said. 'What? I'm so sorry. But you rather find out now then later, trust me', Nesitah said. 

'How is life under water?', Katie asked. 'Not much to do really, we keep our ears open for any danger from the human world, the latest we heard was about Mr. Holt', Nesitah said. 

They swam a bit above water since they were far away from land. You could still see Hogwarts though. 'That castle has been my home for seven years, it's horrible that after this year I have to say goodbye to it', Katie said. 

'Well not permanently right, your father is still working there as he is the headmaster of the school. I'm sure he will have a job for you his only daughter', Nesitah said. 'Yes, but I'll need to make a choice first, will I remain on land, or live out the rest of my days in the water', Katie said. 

'You don't have to live out your entire life in the water right?', Nesitah asked. 'Well, I don't know for the rest of  my life, but I would be away for years, what if I don't want to come on shore anymore', Katie said. 

'You have people on land, people who care about you, you have a reason to come back', Nesitah said. 'You have a point', Katie said. 

Katie swam back to shore. She was just on shore when a voice filled her with fear. 'So there you are Katie, my Katie Holt'. 

Katie turned around. There was the man she feared. It was her biological father. She grabbed her wand, but didn't used it yet. 

'What are you doing here', Katie spat angry. 'Just watching you, didn't you think I didn't had a watchful eye out, even though I couldn't be the one doing the looking', Mr. Holt said. 

'Yes, but I would have hoped the protective spells my real dad made around made it impossible for you to find me, I guess the spells are broken now', Katie said. 

'I want you gone again, out of my life, you didn't had any problems with that when I was born, so why come now', Katie said. 

'I have failed you as a father, I'm glad professor Dumbledore was so kind to take you in and raise you as his own, but soon you graduate. Where will you go. In the water or stay on land. I have informed the dark Lord about your abilities and about you being a mermaid. He is already trying to win the Merfolk and mermaids over as we speak', Mr. Holt said. 

'Do you really think that mom and her mermaid crew will made a pact with Voldemort, you must be out of your mind. Do you think that mermaids will pick a side, they have always been on the outside of the war, this time will be no difference', Katie said. 

'Yes it will, this time you are the key to unlocking this war, the dark Lord wants you to join his crew. I want you to be on his crew, join me', Mr. Holt said. 

'Never will I ever volunteer to be on the dark Lord his side or yours for that matter', Katie said. 'So be it, you made your choice today, you might not regret it tomorrow, but you will regret it the rest of your life', Mr. Holt said. 

'I will never choose Voldemort his side', Katie hissed angry still holding tight to her wand. 'You should have been in Slytherin', Mr. Holt said suddenly. Katie got confused by the sudden change of subject. 

'All the dark wizards were in Slytherin, this once again proves that I'm different', Katie said. 'Yet your boyfriend was a Slytherin, so you are attracted to the dark side. You might not want to admit it, but you are, everyone is attracted to the dark side', Mr. Holt said. 

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