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My face buried in my notebook, I fight off all of the tired creeping up on me

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My face buried in my notebook, I fight off all of the tired creeping up on me.

One thing I need to stop doing for sure is staying up until midnight watching movies on live television as if I don't own half of them on DVD. I'm positive that I'm setting myself up these days. I can't help it. Maybe I secretly enjoy being pissed off when the cable cuts them off for commercial at the absolute worst time.

I can hear someone entering the class. My foot begins to tap as my only effort of staying awake in this class. The same lectures everyday grow repetitive. Between that and this senioritis? I'm living on the finest of all lines as I lie here lifelessly. The laughs and giggles of my classmates cause for my eye to twitch. I took this class an easy way out and wound up getting bit in the ass by karma. The children in this room put the stupid in stupidity and I mean that from the absolute bottom of my heart.


As if I were wide awake the entire time, my head shoots up to face the source of my name being called. Mr. Parker stands at the podium before the class. His arm extends with a blue office pass. I see it from my seat begin to ask myself one question: What hell do they want now? Sighing, I swipe my books off of my desk and scoop them into my arms. I take the pass into my possession and walk right out without looking back. It is not until I am outside of the class that I begin to actually read the pass. I dob't have to read the words. I know the handwriting.

My earbuds rest in my canals as I shuffle through the empty halls. The sweep last period really did a number on the student body. I am proven correct as I walk right in and past the dozens of tardy students and ditching delinquents that fill the office. Politely smiling at Edna, my favorite secretary, and mugging Michelle, my least favorite, I work my way to the back as the area becomes more seclusive. Turning right to walk the longest hallway of the building, I make my way all the way down the opposite end before making another right into my counselor's office.

I shut the door behind me with ease as I set my books down on his shelf closest to the door. He's typing as I get settled in his office but he makes it his duty to get me settled in. "Hey, Destiny." His tone is of someone who is distracted but nonetheless, I appreciate the acknowledgement.

"Hey, D."

A lot of people think there is something extravagant about having the young, fine counselor. They ask me how it feels a lot and are often disappointed when I don't tell them what they want to hear. This is DeVanté and he's my counselor. He's only seven years older than me. I will admit that a large majority of the heterosexual female population on campus, myself included, would all sit on his face at any given moment. Except, he's not on that kind of trip. He came here to help me and so many other kids. So, yes, he is very cute... but he's more like a distant family member to me than anything. I'm sorry to pop any bubbles but I'm not screwing my counselor and I don't think I ever considered it. He never has and never will carry that kind of energy nor will or would he sleep with one of us little girls, as he'd say.

VANTÉ. (D. SWING)Where stories live. Discover now