Purpose / Introduction

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Hey ladies,

So this is different.

It's not a story where a hot guy meets a hot girl, they face challenges together and end up in each other's arms.

This is a story about us. You and me. About real life, far away from fiction land.

I want to build a space for us to get to know each other and discuss things that matter to us or impact us in any way. As the title suggests, this is a platform for us ladies to come together and share ideas. This is raw truth of our daily lives, as girls and women with a normal / average life.

Each week, I'll create a part here with a different topic that I think will be worth discussing. I'll also be taking topic requests or picking up cues from previous discussions. 

I'd like to open up the floor to discuss topics like body image, communication with the world as a woman, where a woman stands in a workplace, opportunities for women, iconic women who've set an example for us all, dating etc.

The idea is to create a space for everyone where we come together to talk, listen and support each other. As such, please refrain from belittling each other. Allow this "story" post to be a story of us all. Some topics might be controversial and you may not agree with my thoughts or that of others. But because this is a space for us all to speak our minds and lay out our opinions, every one is allowed to say what they feel without being judged. 

I repeat. NO JUDGMENTS, LADIES. This post has zero tolerance for that crap.

I believe that we all have a lot to teach each other, so let's make it happen!

Let me know what you think about this. I've been wanting to have a Girl Talk with you all for months now and I'm really happy I'm finally creating this space.



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