Do Woman Have The Right to Abortion?

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This is such a hot topic in the United States at the moment and so incredibly important. I have spoken with women with varied beliefs on this and have struggled to come to a conclusion myself.

Should abortions be allowed? Is it fair to bring a child into this world when the mother knows she won't be able to provide financial and / or emotional support? Or is it unethical to end a life before it even begins? 

Let me share my thoughts in favor of abortion first. I feel like if you're not ready to have a baby or are unable to take care of one - financially or emotionally, it's not really fair to give it an unstable life either.

Many people argue that you could just give it up for adoption or find other avenues to support the baby. Ok, but what kind of life would it be without having a proper home or parents? Yes, there are children that get adopted into beautiful families and go on to have an amazing life. However, there are far more that struggle to find a firm footing in this world and look for the love & attention that they will likely never receive. You can't decide to keep an unwanted pregnancy just because there is a little chance that the baby will live happily after you give it up for adoption. This isn't a game. 

If you can't give the baby up for adoption and are unable to support it, then it's not even like there are widely known / super resourceful institutions that will be able to support the mother and baby. I'm sorry, but if you are struggling to take care of yourself financially or barely stable emotionally, how are you going to take care of another human who will depend on you for survival for the next couple of years? This doesn't last just 9 months. This is about many, many years to come.

So, during the early stages of a pregnancy, I think a woman should be able to decide what she wants for herself. That being said, the further along you get in your pregnancy, my support for abortion starts to slip. If life has formed almost completely - if you are in the mid to late 2nd trimester or beyond, I find it harder to justify an abortion unless the pregnancy is life threatening. I feel, if you've come this far, might as well birth the baby. There is still a risk that it won't have the best upbringing, but in my opinion, it'd be too late to terminate the pregnancy at that stage. 

Why? because it's almost formed everything a body needs to function out in the world. It's almost become a life separate from you. Also, what were you doing for the past 4-5 months?

So my personal opinion on this is that it depends on the individual and the circumstances. That being said, NO ONE ELSE should have anything to do with making this decision other than the parents. Especially the government. I think women need to have the option to abort a pregnancy. Standards can be set to determine when it is unethical to get an abortion, but the government cannot set restrictions on this. That's not my America. This country was formed with the promise to not rule it's citizens but to serve them. Making abortions illegal, at least in certain American states, sounds a lot like ruling our lives.

What are your thoughts on this? Before you type a comment or reply to other people's comments, remember that this is a judgement free zone. I can understand that you may / may not have strong feelings about this but please be respectful of other's opinion. 

Looking forward to reading your thoughts!


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