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It was all quiet and uncomfortable. Everybody was confused about what Yoongi said. "Not peeing in there, what do you mean?" Taehyung was confused. Everybody was at this point. "I noticed he never ever eats, it worries me." Yoongi said with sad eyes. "Thats why i chose the dare, dont you think he looked panicked?" Everybody agreed with Yoongi, he did looked panicked over a simple cupcake. Jin looked in shock "Oh so you think he is-" Before Jin could finish Jimin came back to the room and all worried eyes were on him. Everybody knew where Jin was going.

Jimin didnt know what to say so he just said "What?". "You okay?" Namjoon said. "Yeah im fine i just dont feel so well, nothing big." He tried not to worry anyone and just play it of cool but he could feel Yoongis eyes burning on him.

"Uhm i think im gonna head home. I have a big headache and dont feel so well, im sorry" Jimin wanted nothing more than to go home and just cry. He feeled terrible about what all happend and couldnt wait to lie in bed and let it all out.

"Ill go home with you" Yoongi said. Jimin looked at him and said "No i dont wanna ruin your fun. You all should stay, im probably gonna sleep so you will get nothing out of it"

Yoongi wanted to go with him. He feeled the need to care for him, even though he knew Jimin wasnt really sick, not like that. "No someone should stay with you, i dont mind"

Jimin came to terms with Yoongi, he couldnt get out of it so he just agreed that he came with. After all, Yoongi also lived there so he couldnt do anything about it.

Everybody wished Jimin better and when Yoongi and Jimin left they were lost on there own thoughts, nobody ever noticed that about Jimin, it couldnt be.. right?


When they arrived home they both went to sit in the living room. The walk back home was silent. It was for Jimin extremely uncomfortable. He had no idea why Yoongi chose that dare. Did he know something was up? was it just a simple dare? why? He was lost in his thought until Yoongi spoke up. "So are you gonna talk to me?" "Talk about what?" Jimin looked at Yoongi confused while he looked serious. "Ive noticed you know, dont act like you dont know." Jimin was in shock. Should he just be honest, it might help him in the long run. Be he wasnt there yet, so he decided to play dumb. "Noticed what?" "That you never fucking eat. You say you do but i know you dont." Jimin looked at Yoongi and he was about to cry. Yoongi seemed angry. But he wanted to cry the most because ofcourse he was gonna notice, he was his roommate. He should be more careful. Jimin felt so stupid and wanted nothing more that to cry it all out. But he didnt. He didnt want to look weak. So he just stayed silent.

"You totally panicked just by eating a cupcake and i dont want to know what you did in the toilet afterwards. Jimin, please just be honest with me. I wont judge. I want to help you."

Yoongi said while rubbing his hand over Jimins leg. He felt bad for the boy, he shouldt be so harsh with him. Jimin just couldnt keep it in anymore and started to cry. He felt so exposed and like he did something wrong. "I c-cant help it" he said between his sobs. "I- i just lost control over everything."

Yoongi looked at his friend with pain in his heart. He felt so terrible that he forced this out of Jimin, but it needed to be done. It couldnt go on like that. Jimin was doing dangerous things to himself and it could end up real bad. He pulled jimin into an hug and let him cry it all out. He petted his head and said "Ssst, its okay. Im here for you. Youre going to be okay"

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