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The past few days have been good. Yoongi and Jimin have actually gotten a lot closer and they loved it. Yoongi also brievly informed the other boys that Jimin had a problem, but told them not to bring it up or make a big deal out of it. Not if it wasnt necessary. Yoongi always was there for Jimin without being pushy. Jimin actually was happy he told Yoongi.

There were good days and bad days.
On the good days nothing went wrong and food didnt even seem like that big of a problem. These were the days the roomates both treasured. They would go out and and go watch a movie, or Jimin would get some dance practice. Because afterall, he still loved to dance. It was his true passion and would always love to do that. But sometimes he just didnt have the energy, so when he does, he savours the moment.

They also still hung out with the 7 of eachother. This time it was a Jin's and Hoseok's place.

"No Jungkook i dont want to hear about the story of how you broke your own finger" Taehyung said annoyed. "Ok but youre missing out Hyung" Jungkook said with a smirk on his face.

"Stop the flirting will ya?" Hoseok said. A few giglles were heard from the two and everybody laughed. "So," Jin spoke up. "Should we order some food?" everybody got excited and agreed they should. It then got a little uncomfortable because they remebered Jimin was there. But that was soon to be gone.

Yoongi looked at Jimin and sqeezed his soft spot, his thigh. Jimin looked at him and saw Yoongis warm smile. He thought for a moment and then spoke up and said "Yeah i could eat some food." Everybody smiled at him and they ordered Chinese food and talked the night away, without a problem.

But that didnt mean that this is how it went all the time. Jimin was slowly getting better but Yoongi just could not figure out how to do this on his own, having very little knowledge on eating disorders.

Yes, he was trying. But Jimin refused to go to the doctors. He did not want that, at all. Yoongi had asked him a few times but Jimin only got mad when he brung it up. He hated everything about hospitals and was not about to visit one. Yoongi for now thought that it would be okay, but if it really was going bad, he would take Jimin to the doctors. Even if he didnt want too.

Today was a bad day though. All the pressure of trying to eat normally got too much. It was at dinner when he broke down.

"Im tired of it all Yoongi, i dont want it!"

They had odered pizza, with Jimins consent ofcourse. When Yoongi asked him he scaredly said yes. Deepdown knowing there wasnt a way that he would take a bite of a pizza. He didnt know why he said yes, knowing he would just let Yoongi down. But when he saw the light in Yoongis eyes, he did have a moment of hope. That was until he saw the greasy monster in front of him.

"Jimin its okay, please sit down. " Yoongi tried to calm Jimin down.

"No its NOT okay. Im not doing this!" he had tears in his eyes. Yes this was mainly about the pizza, but this was also about the past few days. It was so hard for Jimin, so he now just broke down.

"Jimin please calm down. You dont have to eat it. Please just sit down" Yoongi was really worried at this point. Jimin stoot in front of him, crying his eyes out. About pizza. He never was gonna understand his disorder to the fullest but he felt so bad. He just wanted to curl him up and hug him for the rest of the night.

"No. I am done" Jimin fastly walked away and stormed to his room. He slammed to door and lied on his bed, crying. Why couldt he just be like a normal human being and eat? Why did it always had to be a big deal about him. He got so mad at Yoongi while he was just trying to help. Yoongi cared about him and Jimin mistreated him. God how he hated himself.

Yoongi packed the pizza away and walked to Jimins room knocking om the door. He didnt get an answer but walked in anyways. When he walked in he saw the thin boy on his bed, head in his pillow. Yoongi looked at him for a moment and then joined him on the bed. He put his hand on his leg and spoke up.

"Please dont beat yourself up about this. You did great."

Jimin looked up at him with puffy eyes. "Great? I did not. I failed Yoongi. I failed."

Yoongi stayed quiet for a moment and then asked "Can i lay next to you?" Jimin looked up confused but then nodded his head. He actually really wanted that.

He made room for Yoongi and he layed behind him, as the big spoon. He then spoke up "Im so proud of you. Please remember that."

Jimin didnt respond and just closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of Yoongi againt his back. He loved this feeling and wishes he could feel like this forever. He fell asleep only moments later. Yoongi eventually fell asleep too, cuddeling the whole night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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