Chapter Four - You Kinky Alpha

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"I still don't understand why I'm your guinea pig!" Sam grumbled.

Meanwhile, Max and I were on the floor dying of laughter.

"We already told you, Sammy! You have the perfect skin for this. Seriously? Are you even a guy?" Alexa asked him. At this point, Max and I were just sitting on the floor clapping our hands like retarded seals.

So, after my lovely breakfast, the girls decided that they wanted to go shopping. Mateo told me that he had something to work on, so he would see me upon my return. I got showered, ready and dressed in a blue summer dress with silver pumps from Val. We headed out with Max and Sam after Mateo gave me his card.

So, we get to the mall and all is well for the first hour. They got me a phone and set it up, sending my new number to the pack members I know, who are basically the highest ranked wolves of this pack. We were really having fun, until Alexa and Valentine reached their favorite cosmetics store, which is the one we're at now.

Apparently this store lets you go crazy with the cosmetics, which is how poor Sam ended up being the two's guinea pig. Since Val is Beta female, he has to listen to her and she basically ordered him not to move.

Oh, and it turns out that Max and I really get each other. He's the brother I never had, like not even with Royce. We like the same things, we laugh at the same stupid things and we just click. I obviously don't see him in that way, but he's a cool guy.

"Why couldn't you do this to Max?" Sam complained.

"Max has manly skin!" Alexa scolded.

"Guys, I think June and Max are dying," Anastasia pointed out.

"Would the two of you breathe please?" Valentine sighed.

"You guys are the funniest people I've ever come across," I said breathlessly, wiping away my tears.

Max chuckled. "Oh man! I can't wait to tell the guys about this."

"Don't you dare!" Sam growled.

"Sam, I think you lost all rights to being intimidating when they put lipstick on you," Anastasia teased, making Max and I convulse in laughter once again.

"Really? You're really going to feed them more reasons to laugh at me?" Sam asked, deadpan.

"You're just so easy to tease," Alexa said, pinching his cheek.

"The things we do in the name of loyalty," Sam mumbled.

"How about I buy you one thing you really want as a reward?" I offered.

"Seriously?" he asked excitedly. I nodded.

"Then I'll suffer gladly," he smiled.

"I'm even afraid to ask what I just signed up for," I said nervously.

"It's nothing big," he assured.

"I'll take your word for it," I giggled.

"There! Done!" Valentine said just as Max snapped a photo.

"Oh come on!" Sam groaned. Our phones all vibrated.

Max had shared the photo.

"Now you're just cruel," Anastasia giggled.

"THAT'S WHAT I LOOK LIKE?" Sam shouted, before my phone started ringing. I was surprised to see who was calling me.

"Hey babe," I answered.

"Baby doll, why does my Delta look like he's about to step onto a catwalk in glittery clothing?" he sighed.

"I had no idea you even knew about that kind of life," I teased.

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