Ch. Fourteen: Where Am I?

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Ch. Fourteen: Where Am I?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I open my eyes to see nothing but blurry pictures. I tried to blink away and that seems to help a little bit, and after a few moments my eyes cleared then I finally saw where I am. I'm in a glass cube of some sort. My (E/c) eyes look around the area and noticed that outside the cube was just nothing but empty black space, no sound was heard whatsoever, and that made me quite worried.

Scared, even.

Okay, maybe just a little.

Like, 40% maybe?

My eyes switch up and see that the cube wasn't quite, well, a cube. The ceiling wasn't what I was expecting, for it stretches upwards to form a circular dome that was still made with glass. There, I see a small ball of white light floating in the air, and I realize quickly that the ball of light is what's lighting up my whole...... cage.

Whatever this prison is called.

I tried to lift my hand to touch the glowing orb of light when I noticed that I couldn't. I look down and finally realized something; I was chained. My wrists, feet, and neck were wrapped with some sort of dark grey-colored leather collar that was chained to the ground and fastened extremely tight for comfort. Too tight to the point of me suffocating from lack of air from the choker in my neck.

Though, since I'm not human I ain't getting my breath taken away.

Well, I'm technically part demon and part reaper who can teleport, do telekinesis and---

((A/n: continue with the script, please!))

Fine, fine.

On with the story.

I looked down, and my hair lightly moves with my movements. I quickly took notice that my hair was dyed in the lightest of blue and not the usual (H/c) color/s that its supposed to be. It also feels like it was frozen, because with every move I make, it seems to stay in place.

I lower my head as a massive headache appears, my hands cradle it as I try to keep my eyes open. Although, I didn't succeed in doing so as I pass out. My vision became nothing but empty darkness, but it quickly went away as my eyes once again open only to find myself in a different place. To find myself seated in a chair. My limbs strapped once again but to the chair, and a hundred voices seemed to come from everywhere.

All of them were whispering things to me, but I couldn't understand anything they were saying because it were either too inaudible, or my ears would be ringing. I switch my head to look in every direction, trying to spot anyone, anything, that I can use to help me escape my bindings.

I close my left eye as another headache appears, intensifying the pain as my vision blurs more and everything seems to spin around me. The ringing doesn't stop, but it gets worse. Suddenly, a person with a white bundle of fluff in their head with bright electric blue orbs appear, and my headache worsens. Even in my current state, I could still hear the voices gradually getting louder. And surprisingly, I could see the psychotic smile that this person has plastered unto their face.

"I'll see you soon, (Y/n)." They said, their voice almost inaudible and I couldn't identify their gender. They disappear to the right after they said that and the sound of a lever that was pulled down resonates.

"AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" I scream as pain surges throughout my entire body, and a white light blinds my vision. I arch my back from the pain that was coming from nowhere, I feel like needles were being stabbed into my skin as a bucket of cold water was poured on me ((a/n: ice bucket challenge anyone??)). I struggle to get out of my binds as I quickly loose control of reality.

I then began to feel nothing but the feeling of numbness slowly crawling its way from my limbs and into my brain. Taking me and embracing me with exhaustion.

Until I pass out.


I bolted upright into a sitting position as a silent scream escapes my dry throat. I raise my hand to my cheeks to feel its unusual cold temperature, as a few tears escapes my eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realize that I was in my room. I bring up my hands to wipe the tears that pour from my eyes and laid my head on the headboard of my bed.

"It's j-just a dream....h-h-huh? But it feels so real, I have a feeling it isn't a dream." I muttered to myself as my breathing turns into pants until it finally slows down. "What if it's a vision of some sort?" I ponder again and breathed out a sigh.

My (E/c) eyes look up to stare into the ceiling, thinking about the 'dream' that I encountered earlier and what does it mean. I stared for a few more moments and shook my head, finally getting up and out of bed. I walk to the window, moving parts of the curtains away and raised an eyebrow at the sight. I raised my arm and rubbed my elbow to the glass.

'Hmm, this is quite weird.'

I walked away from the window and to my closet before I opened it, looking for something to wear, when my eyes lands on the random maid's uniform (a dress, apron, headdress and high socks) that was folded neatly before I went into the bathroom to change.

- o - o - o -



Thanks for reading! I hope you're still enjoying the story as it goes along the plot that I decided to write with. Also, I hope that you aren't too bothered that this is longer than usual chaps.

I mean 'usual' as in 'the-previous-chapters-that-I-managed-to-publish-a-day-or-two-after-the-publishing-date-without-getting-too-late' kind.

So uh, yeah.

C y a !

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