Ch. Seventeen: A Series of Unanswered Questions

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Ch. Seventeen: A Series of Unanswered Questions

(Y/n)'s Perspective

Why is he here?

It doesn't make sense.


He isn't a thief, he can't be.

Can he?

I immediately let go of his collar out of shock, which leads to Austin landing on his own two feet on the snowy ground. Thus, making a loud crunch noise at the impact. 'Like a cat,' I thought. 'But do cats even land on their feet?'

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at the manor?"

"Hehe," Austin chuckles, and I look at him as he pats his clothes and ruffle his weirdly-designed cloak off of the snow that covered them. "Ah. I remember when we were young. We used to chase each other through the courtyard, without a care in the world,"

"And you would always catch me with that damned power of yours."

He muttered so low in his breath, as if he didn't want me to hear it, though I was still able to catch it. He said it like he was spatting it out in anger and disgust. But why would he be angry? There is nothing to be angry about.

"You're not answering my question, Tin." I say as I cross my arms, my (E/c) eyes fixated on him as I waited for an answer. "I thought you said you didn't want to come?"

"Well, you see," He starts, as a nervous smile graves his face. His arm reaching up to scratch the back of his neck as a small, nervous smile graces his thin, pale lips. Fake. "I remembered that I had to get something from the marketplace, however, the carriage was already gone."

"Oh." I said, even though I could sense that it was far from the truth.

Let me join his little mind game, but-

Why do such a thing?

"But why were you accused of theft?" I ask, hesitant as I wait for his answer. We were now starting to walk back to the frozen lake, the snow below crunched with every step we take. I stared at him as he kept his cyan eyes forward, his gaze often flickering from me to the frozen water.

"I was not; that lady was merely being delusional." He says straightforwardly. He then raises his left hand that was currently holding something, and I quickly realize that it was only the brown bag that he was carrying earlier on. He opened it to show me its contents. "See? There is nothing there."

"And even if there was something there," He threw the bag on the ground as he fastened his pace a little, me following not far behind. "you know I would not steal even if I need it,"


"Yes, of course."

I know it isn't best to believe lies, and just seek out the rightful truth but-I had to. It doesn't make any sense if I did not, and it would destroy my cranium and make me mad if I did. And I have known Austin since I was a toddler, and even then he isn't that type of person, let alone demon. I doubt the accident would've changed him-no.

He wouldn't change.

He's still the same scrawny stable boy of my childhood.

'He can't be.' I thought as my (E/c) eyes look at him once again, scanning his features and trying to understand the emotion that was covered under his blank expression.

I unconsciously sigh, as my shoulders droop in utter defeat. We were now walking around the lake as I let my eyes gaze over the path, making me miss the shadow that covered my friend's eyes as he whispers words in his breath. I shake my head as I hear the crunching of snow in front of us and I looked up, seeing a silhouette of a large person running towards our direction.

When the mysterious giant finally was close enough for us to distinguish their features, I saw the most weirdest thing I have ever seen in my entire lifetime; the master was being carried by Sebastian and he was on Seb's shoulder, while Sebastian runs towards our direction with a blank look.

Alright, fine. It is one of the oddest things I have seen.

"(Y/n)!" They both yell out at the same time, though with different emotion in each, when they were already a meter or two away from us. I raise an eyebrow at the master's predicament as he gently gets put down from Sebastian's shoulder.

"Master, why were you on Seb's shoulder....?" I question master Ciel, but was surprised when Sebastian answered for him.

"The master has had asthma since he was a child, although barely showed any symptoms, he cannot run or else he will be ill."


Silence. I sigh, why is it always silence that is enveloping us. Specifically the awkward one. I blink, and just notice that navy blue and a pair of crimson eyes flicker between me and Austin, seeming to scan us while an underlying suspicion lies within them.

"(Y/n).....why is our guest here?"

~ Time skip brought to you by the author not wanting y'all to reread what you already know ~

"Hmm." The young master hums, his gaze fixated on Austin as he stares at him with a look of disbelief. "Is this true, Mr. Brown?"

"Yes, it certainly is true, lord Phantomhive."

"(Y/n)!" Upon hearing my name being called for the second time now, I turn my head at the source, surprised on seeing the Trancy duo((lingo)) walking towards us. I gave a small smile as I wave at them when they finally arrived and joined the group.

"Greetings Alois, Claude, how are you on this fine day?"

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I am aware that they're shorter than the former Ch. 16 & 17 but-i didnt wanna overdo it, okay? I don't like overdoing things cuz then they would turn into a mess-and that isn't pretty.

Okay, um, I have nothing to say so uhm.

C y a ?

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