Chapter 6

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Once we all got back to the hotel, we gathered around the lobby couches, listening to Macy read out the 'roomie list'.

"Aight so," she started - her long, manicured nails pointing at the page in front of her. "We got me and Luke in room 45, Finneas and Billie in room 46, I guessed the twins were staying so I got them room 47, and then..."
Macy clicked her tongue, humming in what seemed like confusion. "Rose, looks like you're in room 65, which is a whole floor above us all."

Light conversation began throughout the group, whilst Billie, Finneas and Ethan gathered around Macy.

"She could just bunk with us, right? Justin could take the couch," Ethan suggested before getting smacked in the head by Justin.

"No one should have to take the couch. Billie and I will bunk in room 65, Rose can have 46."

"Finn," Billie rolled her eyes at her brother, leaning back against the couch. "You forgotten something? Like, I don't know, your girlfriend who'll be here any minute now?"

Finneas grimaced, facepalming, before - right on cue - Claudia walked through the double doors of the hotel.

"Yo, okay okay," Billie muttered, snatching the sheet from Macy and scribbling over her rota. "If Finn bunks with Claudia for this week, I'll bunk with Rose," she explained, swapping the names around. "Then," she handed the sheet back to Macy before looking at her expectantly. "Next week, we'll get the rota right."

Macy rolled her eyes as everyone gradually got up, and we all wandered towards the elevator.

"Y'know, you didn't have to do that if you feel uncomfortable. We barely know each other. I don't mind taking the twins' couch," I quietly mumbled to Billie. She smiled, laughing under her breath, not looking up from her phone.

"It's no big deal, bro. I'm not having you couch surfing. Not on your first night anyways."

She winked before catching up with the group, as we all piled into the elevator.

"So you've never really done anything like this before, then? Tour?"

I glanced at Billie in the bed next to me, the soft lamppost light from outside reflecting against her skin.

Our air conditioner was broken, so we'd made a little nest in the bed out of all the blankets we could find, and huddled up in one of Billie's hoodies each.

It somehow evolved into a game of 21 questions.

Billie smiled warmly at me, tugging on the string of her hood.

"No, not even anything remotely like this," I replied softly, not wanting to obstruct the delicate atmosphere we'd built. "I've barely left England before now. And here I am, in a cold hotel bed with Billie Eilish."

I was expecting an eye roll, or a wink - maybe even a smirk - but I didn't get one.

I just got a smile.

And... a blush?

Was I going blind?

"Well, you never know what's gonna happen, I guess. It's beautiful... but scary as shit."

She chuckled, before talking again. "I'm asking you another question even though it was technically your turn."

I rolled my eyes in response, and she laughed again.

That was becoming familiar.

"So," she started, adjusting the duvet around her. "I wanna know more about you, dude. You seem so interesting."

It was my turn to laugh this time, rubbing my eyes with the sleeves of Billie's oversized hoodie as I yawned. "You'd be surprised. I'm pretty fucking boring."

Laughter filled the room again as Billie shoved me lightly. "Shut up, bro. Seriously, I wanna know. Tell me about..." She took a moment to think, looking around the room. "Tell me about your last relationship."

My heart skipped a couple of beats as I planned out my response, playing with the hoodie's sleeves. Billie's eyes watched me the whole time - gently, patiently.

"Well," I exhaled, pulling the blanket around me. "There isn't really much to say there. Total douchebag - manipulative, controlling, obsessive. Took me way too long to get out of there, took me way too long to get over it, but I wouldn't trade anything for where I am now. It's made me into a person I never thought I'd be able to be. I'm strong, I'm my own person, I'm better than ever," I rambled, trying to keep it as short as possible. That was a whole story I did not want to go into with Billie Eilish of all people.

My eyes met hers again, which were filled with... empathy?

She genuinely looked upset for me. I guess I'm so used to telling that story like it's nothing that I forgot that could be a reaction.

"Dude..." she mumbled quietly, furrowing her eyebrows. "I'm so sorry, man. That's so fucked. I can't even imagine anyone doing that to you. You're so sweet..." She glanced down at the sheets before meeting my eyes again. "You still in contact with him, or..?"

I raised my eyebrows, laughing at the black haired girl. "I haven't spoken to her for about a year now."

Billie blushed red as I continued to laugh quietly, muttering 'I didn't know'.

Our whispered conversation filled the small hotel room until 4am - laughs and eye rolls consistently occurring within our cosy little nest of blankets.

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