Chapter 33

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"Guys, over here!"

Ethan stood and waved at us from the opposite end of the restaurant once we walked through the huge glass doors, Billie politely conversing with the waiter who came to greet us.

We wandered towards the large table in the secluded corner of the room, surrounded by beautiful plants and decorations, and Billie's hand nonchalantly slid down onto my ass as she brushed her lips against my ear.

"Weren't that late, huh?"

She smirked as I pretended to hit her stomach playfully, her hands falling into her pockets as we got closer to the group. Macy stood to hug me as Billie walked around the table to her seat, doing little handshakes with various people already sat down.

"Where were you guys?" Macy muttered into our hug as I laughed uncomfortably, catching her raise an eyebrow at me as I pulled away.

"Just running late. She was on the phone to management and stuff."

She whistled lowly and turned to take a seat again next to Justin, after muttering, "'... and stuff'" as Justin grinned up at me, patting the empty seat between him and Ethan.

I ruffled Ethan's hair as I sat down next to the boys, hearing Finneas and Claudia give their orders to the waitress and Billie shout across the table to Macy. E leant across to me to whisper in my ear, and I noticed the black-haired girl opposite me side eyeing him.

"You might wanna pull your shirt up a little," he mumbled, gesturing at my collarbone. I tried to look down at it but couldn't reach, and I saw that we had Billie's full attention now - a slight smirk gracing her lips. Ethan chuckled and adjusted the collar of my shirt as Bil winked at me slyly, my cheeks blushing pink as Ethan told me about the hickey I had on my chest.

"Okay everyone," Macy spoke up, the conversations flowing through the group gradually getting quieter. "Tomorrow, Billie is playing her very first arena."

Everyone at the table cheered and whistles, grabbing Billie and ruffling her hair as she laughed, covering her face as we gathered attention from strangers in the restaurant. Macy continued.

"We just wanted to say that we're all so proud of you, Billie. You're taking over the world, and you deserve..."

Macy's speech got quieter and quieter for me as I got distracted by someone whispering my name. My eyes casually scanned the restaurant as I tried to pay attention to the group, but I didn't understand where the noise was coming from. I looked behind me quickly when I heard my name whispered again, harsher this time, and Ethan gave me a confused look as he gestured to Macy, silently telling me to listen. I shook off the weird feeling and tried to zone back into the speech, but for some reason I felt really uneasy now.

Was someone trying to get my attention? Why didn't they just come over?

Suddenly everyone was clapping and cheering again, and I quickly joined in, watching as Billie beamed with happiness and clinked her coke can with everyone's drinks. I felt Ethan still watching me oddly.

After a little while, everyone either went up to the bar or to the bathroom, leaving Billie and I alone. She smirked at me when I stood and made my way around to her side of the table, resting on her lap as she grinned up at me.

"I'm so proud of you, Bil. You know that, right?" I whispered as I brushed my nose against her own, watching a light blush gather on her cheeks.

"I know, mamas," she replied softly, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. The second we kissed, I could've sworn I heard the iPhone camera noise. Once we pulled away I glanced around casually as to not worry Billie, and absolutely nobody was out of the ordinary.

Damn. Maybe there's something in the water at this place.

"Oh my god, that was so fun," Billie sighed as she flopped backwards onto the bed, laughing at me as I groaned after pulling my heels off. Her eyes followed me as I crossed the room, digging through her suitcase until I found a massive hoodie. Smiling innocently at her, I waited until she rolled her eyes and nodded before I quickly got out of my dress and pulled the hoodie over my head.

I heard Billie sigh softly as I pulled the huge hood over my head, clambering on the bed and sitting cross-legged opposite the girl.

She watched me, her eyes twinkling with something I couldn't quite read.

One of her arms rested behind her head, the other reaching out to draw little shapes on my leg absentmindedly as the brought her attention to the ceiling, licking her lips as she thought.

"I'm gonna just start speaking, okay? I'm not sure what'll come out, but..." We both laughed as I ran a finger along her cheek quickly, Billie turning her head to press a kiss to it before taking a breath.

"I don't get attached. I just don't. I guess it's something that started out as a way to stop myself from getting hurt, so then when it inevitably ends I won't feel shit about it..."

She ran a hand through her hair and sighed before dropping it back down to rest on my thigh, softly rubbing her thumb against my skin.

"That's always been the number one thing on my mind whenever I meet anyone. Not to let them hurt me, that I have to be the one in control. But, with you... That never even crossed my mind. Once. And it's scary," she sighed, closing her eyes and inhaling shakily as I put my hand on top of hers, watching her struggle with herself internally.

She paused for a moment before carrying on, her delicate voice floating through the silent hotel room.

"It's scary because I didn't even think about it when we first met. Protecting myself didn't even cross my mind. And now, here we are, you being all I can goddamn think about, and I don't mind. At all. I've never felt more comfortable with being vulnerable," she stopped, glancing at me with a small smile. "And I'm being so vulnerable, you know I'm mad attached to your ass."

We both laughed softly as she shuffled across the bed to rest her head on my lap, my hands automatically falling into her hair.  She pressed a kiss to my leg before mumbling against my skin.

"Be my girlfriend already, before you drive me even more insane."

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