The Interview

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I could feel the butterflies panicking their way through my stomach, fighting with each other and bumping everywhere. I don't know why I was so nervous, I mean it was only an interview! Well... an interview with one of the most irresistible humans of my time. I wasn't even 100% sure that he's a human at all, to be honest.

Interviews in 1984 were a hell of a lot different to interviews today. I guess people's opinions weren't as fogged up.

I nervously looked at the papers in my hands, I'd been waiting patiently for such a long time. I was finally going to interview a rockstar, or should I say... an absolutely scrumptious drummer who wasn't probably as close to excited as I was.

"Okay Anna, get ready!" said Dave, our camera guy. "We'll be shooting in three, two, one... Action!"

The intro music started to play it's way to what should have probably become the death of me, because I was feeling a little dizzy, somehow I managed to suck it up and pay attention to my surroundings.

"Welcome viewers! Today on 'The McAlleie show' we'll be having a special guest. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you Queen's drummer, Roger Taylor!" My voice somehow managed to shake that out. For a little moment I thought that was it but as I switched back to reality. I saw, gosh, the most beautiful view I have ever seen, walking it's way to the couch.

I had to get my shit together. "Welcome to the show Roger!" I greeted, and held my hand out for him (although I wasn't too sure it was human) to shake it. "Hello, Anna!" he said shaking my hand. I really hope he wasn't disgusted, touching my sweaty palm.

I made sure that I looked my best that night and as flattered as I was to be his interviewer, I was sure that he would consider this interview as one of his many. That kept my cool.

I reminded myself that one look into those dreamy blue eyes, would definitely kill me. Considering that he looked way better in real life rather than in pictures. "So, Roger, Queen has just released the album 'The Works', what's your favorite track on the album?" "Well, Anna, if you ask me, I think my favorite is 'Radio Ga Ga', it was inspired by my son!"

"Oh really? I didn't know that! It's also my favorite!" I tried to be as nice as possible, I also tried not to lean in and attack his lips when he gave me that intimidating smirk after he answered me. I could have sworn he was reading my stupid little dirty mind. I really didn't feel like annoying him with questions at that moment, unfortunately it was my job.

"Ok, so besides Queen, how has your summer been?" I really hoped I didn't sound obnoxious.

"Oh well, my summer has been pretty good, well I turned 35, that isn't amazing I guess!"

"Oh! I'm not getting any younger either!" I tried hard not to scream out 'YOU ARE THE THE MOST GORGEOUS LIVING ORGANISM I LOVE YOU' but yeah.

"So what are some of your favorite hobbies?" I asked

"Hmm, I love reading a good book and relaxing at times, but nothing really beats the party mood for me! Oh, and not to mention the drumming." he winked. I was melting.

"Oh! I know this is kind of out of the question, but how's your relationship with the Queen members? Iv'e always wanted to know!"

"It depends the mood, Anna, me and Brian are always on the verge of a fight no matter what! But we're still best friends, I guess it's a love and hate relationship. Then there's Freddie, he's really a great guy to joke with, but once he's gotten on your nerves, he's impossible! And then there's John, I mean who doesn't like john! I don't think we've ever fought!"

His sweet laughter infected my brain cells and those fucking butterflies couldn't help but move even faster. Shit. I was going to be sick. My face turned pale and my stomach was grumbling. It HAD to happen during the most important event of my life.

"Ohh god" I stuttered

"oh-uh, are you alright Anna?" asked Roger looking worried

"S-shit" I managed

"Uh- Dave could you stop the cameras?" I asked, wide eyed and extremely embarrassed.

I just covered my mouth with my hands and ran to the bathroom.

"A-Anna, w-wait!" shouted Roger. No. I could not let him see me like this. No fucking way. I found my way to the toilets and (I'm sorry) emptied my stomach.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. Thankfully I stopped what I was doing and looked over my shoulder. Once I saw those worry-full big blue eyes, I couldn't take it any more, a tear escaped my eyes. I felt his sweet hands rubbing my back. I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply and exhaled, still shaking and looked into his eyes, it took me courage at that vulnerable moment and In them I saw a caring, sweet, soft hearted young man. The embarrassment still hadn't changed. Still it was nice of him to check on a disgusting, hormonal 20 year old like me.

"A-anna! Are you okay? Oh my g-gosh let me get you some napkins" he stammered, after blinking hard.

"O-oh my gosh, R-roger, I am SO damn sorry... Uh, this is embarrassing."

He got me some tissue paper and I immediately wiped my mouth, I tried to get up but felt a rush of blood stirring it's way up to my head and completely failed.

"Don't you dare worry about a thing, it's not your fault, you sit here, don't get up yet"

"O-Of course it's my fault, my fuckin' nerves were workin' up on me, again I am terribly sorry..."

"Hey... Anna! are you alright" shouted Dave from the doorway. Seriously Dave, now you come and check on my wimpy little arse.

"U-Uh, don't worry Dave, everything's under control." said Roger.

Erm, no, nothing was under control.

As Dave left us alone, Roger pulled me up and walked me to the sink. "Okay, Anna, I need you to relax" he said as he placed a wet cloth on my forehead. Where did that come from? I still couldn't forgive myself for what a stunt I had to pull and I still couldn't understand why Roger would care so much to help out.

As he cooled me down from what had just happened, I wondered why he was so good at it. I still saw worry in his eyes, gosh, was he worried about me?

"That was one interview!" he said

"Oh... I'm tellin' you! H-hey why didn't you just go away in disgust from your sick interviewer?" I asked

"Oh, there was no way I was going to leave you there! I'm no animal!" he laughed

'And you're no human either'

I thought.

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