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I eyed him from bottom to top, I just couldn't help it, my eyes betrayed me , I closed them and looked up to the celling.

"What's the matter, look at me" he said

I looked down at those gorgeous big blues as he tilted his head a little. This was actually happening.

"You know Anna, I love just how visible your emotions are" he said

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked

"I guess you might think of it as a bad thing, but I could see your eyes swooning over me during the interview." he whispered. It sent shivers down my spine. I was speechless, bloody speechless.

"Iv'e had many girls swoon over me, but your eyes seem to tell the story in a different way. You have brown eyes, I'm a sucker for brown eyes" The long gone grumbling in my stomach turned into a tickling feeling in my chest. Roger's hot breath and poisonous perfume invaded my veins. It drove me insane.

Ok so my inner conscious was blabbering every thought that could possibly be thought, 'PANIC PANIC PANIC' was all that it said, but my heart was thinking otherwise. I wondered if it was still pumping blood like it was supposed to do.

"How about I give you my number and you give me yours" he said

Now I knew what he wanted, and I was definitely not going to give it to him. This was another stunt that typical men liked to pull. If he wanted something, he was going to get it the hard way.

"Oh no no no, that won't be appropriate Roger. But thanks. L-listen, how about you go take care of your self, live amazing rockstar life and all this can be forgotten?" I panicked as I switched back into my senses. He glared an 'Oh-really?-are-you-sure-about-that?-this-does-not-normally-happen-to-me' look at me.

I wasn't going to let him get away with it and was definitely not going to make it easy for him, like every other girl that he casts a spell on. I might have been crazy about him, but I was not easy to take complete advantage of. This was going to be an adventure.

I gave him a confident look.

"Very well then, Miss" he looked down and removed his hand from the sink. He looked at me again, eyes narrowed and i'm tellin' you, it was like his eyes were digging through mine, trying to find the slightest hint of want or desire I guess.

"This is not over" he said

I arranged my posture, and briskly walked out of the bathroom. Leaving him dumbfounded.

Oh, this was exactly what I wanted.

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