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That warm nervous feeling, extreme excitement


To be completely honest, Lisa wasn't expecting a lot for this day.

She realized after waking up late, missing her bus on her way to work and spilling her cup of coffee on her brand new white top that it just couldn't possibly be good. However, she also thought it couldn't get worse.

But oh boy, how wrong was she.

Junghwa had avoided taking Lisa home as much as possible, and when he finally told her his address, he had asked her not to come at his place unannounced because he was a messy person, and wanted everything to be perfect for her. Lisa wasn't dumb, she knew something was up, but the boy seemed too innocent to be a bad person, so she paid no mind to it. She wasn't expecting to spend her life with him anyway, she was just up for some fun.

In all honesty, she hadn't excepted him to be the kind to break a person's heart at all. And she was surely not thinking that she would be the one in charge of fixing said person's heart.

But life was full of surprises, right?

"...oh you've got to be kidding me,"

As soon as she saw the girl falling down in front of her, hearing her choked sobs, all the hate that she had gained for the girl in a few minutes vanished in a second, and she felt her heart clench in her chest.

Hell, the boy that girl was about to marry was cheating on her, and he was cheating on her with Lisa. She had no rights to be mad.

Culpability took over her senses, and she crouched down in front of the brunette, awkwardly patting her back.

"Hey there, just.... calm down" Lisa said, cringing at how bad she was at comforting human beings. Or... just bad at humans, altogether.

The brunette raised her head, her cheeks were soaked by her tears. "Calm down? How the fuck do you want me to calm down?!"

Lisa could tell she was trying to sound mad, or even menacing. But her voice came out strangled, barely audible, and clearly betrayed her sadness.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know..." The blonde said, softening her voice a bit.

This was definitely not how she was planning to spend her evening.

The brunette shook her head lightly. "It's okay I just-"
She tried to get up, but failed miserably and only fell down again. This time though, Lisa was there to catch her, and a faint blush formed on the smaller girl's cheeks.

"Alright, ... whatever your name is- you've clearly drank too much so i'm just going to put you to bed, yeah?" Lisa said slowly, making sure the girl was hearing everything she said, and the brunette answered with a small sniff.

"I don't want to go to bed"

Oh hell no. Dealing with a drunk heartbroken girl was already hard, but on top of that she had to be stubborn. Lisa was definitely going to lose her mind tonight.

"Just... let's at least put you on the couch right?"

She nodded, and Lisa understood when she didn't see her move one bit that she would have to bring her there herself.

KILL THIS LOVE // k.jn & m.lsWhere stories live. Discover now