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 June 6th, 1979.

"I think we should break up, Rog."

The moment Roger Taylor heard his girlfriend say that, he nearly fainted.

His eyes popped out. His Heart dropped, blood turned cold. He froze and turned around, his foot not even stepping through the door of the house. Their house. The one that they had shared for the last seven years, he didn't even get a chance to open the door.

His own girlfriend of nearly eight years wanted to break up with him.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because—" Rosie walked up to him and closed her eyes. She looked distressed. She looked drained. She looked like every warning sign Roger did not see because he was too lazy to open his eyes. "We're not working."

We're not working? "Of course we are. We've been together for almost eight years now, and everything is fine!" He cupped her cheeks with his hands. "We don't need to break up."

"We do!" she exclaimed, swatting his hands away. "Do you see how unhappy we've been these past months? Nothing is going right!"

"We're fine, Rosie."

"No, we aren't."

No, they weren't.

They haven't been fine in a long time. Arguments ended abruptly—most of time with her shutting the bedroom door, they never ate at the same table, she stopped going to his concerts, rehearsals, even parties. It was all going downhill very fast, and he hadn't even thought of it.

And one time, Rosie and Roger were arguing in the car ride from their little brunch together about the fact that he didn't even bother to make a conversation with her their entire time at the restaurant and instead texted Brian. (let's imagine texting existed)

It was their first date night in a long time, and they were supposed to go to a museum after brunch. But after this, date night was cut short by a landslide, and Roger drove home with his head fuming.

He was still very angry as he walked ahead of Rosie to the house, fishing for the keys in his pockets until she finally caught up.

Even now he can't make himself face the fact that their relationship was on the literal edge right now.

Roger can't even look at Rosie in the face right now. The same face he called beautiful God knows when because he can't remember. "We don't need to break up, love. You know I love you."

"Well, it doesn't seem like it," she spat. Rosie crossed her arms across her chest and watched Roger's hands tremble as he stood in front of her. "All you ever do is go with the boys, come home, eat, and sleep. Fuck, you don't tell me when you leave, and I'm always waking up alone, and I'm so tired of expecting you to be there."

"You know, that could all change—"

"When, Roger? You say you're going to do this and that, but you never do."

He was guilty. Roger couldn't help but to remember the time he told Rosie he was going to book their vacation for Greece and never did. Instead, he went out with the band for dinner and left her in the house.

Rosie knew there had to be something done or else she would be stuck in a dead relationship. "I'm breaking up with you, Ro—"

"No, you aren't."

Is this man serious right now? He won't even let her break up with him.

She rolled her eyes. "Jesus Christ, Roger. Are you seriously not letting me break up with you?"

Roger took a step forward and held her hands as they lay limp in his grasp, almost lifeless. Even the look she gave him didn't spell out love like he would imagine, Rosie really wanted this.

She tried again. "I'm breaking up with—"

"Not today, Rosie."

But she can't. Rosie can't break up with him, they were practically meant for each other. It's even in the books. In the photos.

She needs to stay with him. She has to.

Everyday is a reason for her to stay with him, they're just both too blind to see it.

"Give me one more chance, and I'll give you thirty reasons why you should stay with me."

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