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June 21st, 1979.

It was one of those nights again. Nothing bad even happened yet, but she knew something was going to happen between them. She just knew it.

After their longest no argument streak since the downfall of their relationship, there was a gut wrenching feeling that this wasn't going to last any longer. It just had to happen at the best time—when they began to pick up the pieces and put them back together.

It's eight o'clock in the evening, still in Santorini. Roger and Rosie were in the outside seating area of a small restaurant that was quite a walk from the hotel. Their food just arrived beforehand—the both of them sticking with the same meal.

Roger was particularly excited for this portion because it was Greek food. And when it comes to Rosie and Roger, they can't cook, but they have quite a taste in food. Despite having a taste of it the past few days they were on the island, he just wanted to enjoy their time in Santorini.

But as he sat, sheepishly grinning at his phone at table while John texted him—his fingers typing in the keyboard and holding the fork at the same time. He hadn't even spoken a word to Rosie since sitting down at the table, his attention being focused on whatever was on his phone screen.

He glanced up for a bit, seeing Rosie just sitting there.

"Why aren't you eating your food?" he asked her.

While he was there, sitting across from her and eating his meal, his girlfriend hadn't even touched the food, let alone the utensils. She looked disappointed—maybe a bit glum.

Looking at her food going untouched, Roger could help to wonder what it was now. It just seemed when they were having a good time together, there would always be something to annoy her. And if you asked him, he was pretty fucking tired of it.

"I don't know—is it too much to ask for you to put your phone away?" she said. "You've had that thing out for God knows long today."

He slides the phone into his pocket. "There. Happy?"

"Why are you so irritated by that? I just asked you to put your phone away." Rosie huffed. She really wasn't in the mood to argue with Roger about his phone. A fucking phone. "You know, it's fun to just sit there and ignore me when I'm right in front of you."

"I wasn't ignoring you," he defended himself. "You're the one who's not enjoying this trip."


"Yes, you! I didn't just spend my fucking money for you to go around and act like you don't like the vacation I'm giving you."

Her jaw dropped.

She had only been quite silent today because they went to go sight seeing, and rather than joking around with him, she wanted to take in and enjoy the sights in front of her eyes because she knows that it could be a long time until they come back. They were leaving tomorrow, and for Roger to say that she isn't enjoying the trip just by the silence that surrounded her seemed absurd.

"Who said I wasn't enjoying our vacation?"

"Well you sure look like you don't like it here." You have to absolutely be fucking kidding right now. They were having the time of their lives the past two days! They were their happiest just yesterday, and now it's back to ground zero. "I'm sure you don't like anything I give to you because you're so cold whenever we go out."

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Um, excuse me? You're the one who pulled out your phone and refused to make any contact with me whatsoever. So don't come yelling at me because I'm actually trying to enjoy this place while you're sitting there like you can't even look at my fucking face."

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