Chapter 4: After Battle

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Another day just after my first encounter with Big Hero 6. Cute leader but so predictable. I get out the warehouse and skipped my way to the cafe. The Lucky Cat Cafe to be exact. Diane is accompanying me using the spy earpiece. Very small and hard to see. But in case they do, I wore a beanie as up now. I go in some stores that interests me, including stands. I walk across the road and saw I was in front of the Lucky Cat cafe. I enter the cafe and looked around.

"Looks cozy." I said looking around the cafe full of people. I notice the boy along with his friends and Baymax.

"Gee, I never knew all seven of them are here." I muttered. I walked to the counter and look at the menu. My heart was thumping. I'm close to my targets that tried to encounter me last night. I doze off a minute till I was startled by a woman with brown hair.

"Hello miss, how may I help you?" I flinch and glance both the menu and her. "I-I'll have iced coffee and a doughnut." I stuttered from the anxiety forming of getting caught even though I used a voice changer that night. She nodded and took my order. I sigh and walk to a nearby seat next to the window.

I sit down and took out my phone, distracting myself from glance around creepily. "You're nervous, aren't you?" Diane said.

"What do you expect for someone being out in the streets at night? I'm not used to crowded areas at day." I muttered.

"Well it's your first day undercover. Am I not wrong?"

"Well, just nervous." I replied. I turn off my phone and look around to see if my order was ready. I look up at the TV at the corner and see the news about last night.

"It's another break-in yet again at KreiTech. The guards were quite injured but not severely, but a new criminal approach to this very night. Our latest crime fighting team, Big Hero 6, have encountered with this mysterious figure but failed miserably. Our evidence the police collected was a black leather trench coat, recordings of the culprit, and a sticker. The chief of the police department discovered that this sticker were sources to a formal and old family business of world thieves and assassins. The (L/N) family. This criminal must be either a follower, or a relative of the (L/N) family tree. We seem to arrest all the family members and followers, but it seemed to be that there's more than where that came from, or missed one more."

The news reporter changes the subject and I look down to see that the group of people and Baymax looked at the boy. I felt pity for him, but I'm not sorry for what I've done. I got up my seat and walk past the boy to get my order.

"Here you go miss." She said and I thanked her. I went to my seat and pull my phone down the table and eat silently. Diane would talk about the information about the portal. I did my best to lower my voice and try to talk in a casual manner. I would muffle my words by eating my doughnut. Oh I miss the taste of the powdery pastry. I blush a little and imagine myself in heaven. I kind of thought about having a tail wagging and ears flopping with glee.

I took a sip from my iced coffee and secretly take glances from the boy. He and Baymax went upstairs and his friends walked away. After they're gone, I exhale. I was relieved, but disappointed. I walk my way to the counter and left a tip in the tip jar. Just about to turn my back on the counter, the woman comes back and talked to me. Wasn't according to plan, but okay.

"Would you like a free drink to go?"

"Oh uh, no thank yo-" I was interrupted by a loud screech in my ear, Diane. "Free drink! Give me one (Y/N)! I need coffee NOW!"

"You know what? Sure. I love one more."

"Great. You can call me Aunt Cass." She smiled and makes another drink to go. "Here ya go. Be sure to come back soon. Oh wait, I didn't get your name."

"(Y/N)." I faked a smile.

"Still have more time to chat?" Cass asked? I was surprise she's talking to me. "Yeah, sure." I nodded. We chatted at the side of the register. "You must be new here. Moving in?"

"Well I did moved here two or three months ago." I shrugged. "Well that's great. You should come visit me more often. Maybe dinner can treat you fine here. Are your parents free tonight?"

"My parents? No, I live alone." I lower my head. Aunt Cass softened. "Oh, well I'm here if you need me." She said and I smiled. "Thank You. But I wouldn't be a burden with your nephew."

"Hiro? Oh he's fine. He just got registered to school and I'm very happy for him." She said. "He's been a lot of pressure than me after his brother got into an accident."

"Oh, I've heard about that. I'm sorry."

"No no, don't be." She shakes her head. "But atleast he's moving on. It's for the better. How I'm going through." I pointed out. Tell me your part of the story." Aunt Cass leans in.

I quickly make my story up, hiding my identity of my family. "I usually bot fight at night and sometimes make robotics."

"Oh Hiro used to bot fight as well. You two should talk." Aunt Cass nodded.

A customer calls her out to order and she turned. "Oh, I gotta keep the line going. So tonight?"

"I'll see if I can make it."

"Oh one more thing?" I turn and she hands me a plate of food. "Give this to Hiro. Just up the stairs." I nodded and head upstairs. I get up to the second floor as a cat follows me to the next floor.

At his room, I see him on his computer browsing news articles of the (L/N) family. I quietly walk to the end of the room and set it by the window. He turns his chair and I squeaked and hid behind the dividers.

"Hello?" He said questionable. I bit my lip. You got to be kidding me. I should've put it in the kitchen! I scolded myself. I hear footsteps approaching me and I have no choice but to turn around. I turn and tilt my upper body from the side of the dividers. Hiro eyes widened.

"Oh uh...hi?" I tilt my head and smiled shyly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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