To Two

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You cast these words on me
And I cannot help but hurt
When the lightening touches my skin,
For they prick and burn on this guileless flesh,
Stirring an alien rage
From a soul that fringes calmness,
Undeserving of such brute.
But for the words I sincerely utter,
You pick them up as knives
And cut your heart with both edges
And proclaim me bearer of guilt.
So despite how sweet and soothing
You roll repentance out your tongue,
This painful cycle shall still reoccur
Leaving forgiveness unfed.

You make uncertainty a cloud
That wishes to pour down melancholy
As I carry a myriad of troubles
Weighing down my pillar of bliss.
Oh how hard it is to speak
When the mind rejects the heart,
So in wonder and in fear,
In forlornness and in cowardice,
I watch your solitude protect you.
You grow distant like an orchid
Away from this thorn I've become
And I sit embraced by the agony
Of a love that cannot prosper--
Look how crestfallen the rain crumples.

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