3. People get old

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Please lie. Tell me im beautiful and you still love me. Seeing you, still youthful with a cheery grin kills me. I will have to leave you some day my love.

"Magnus... Do you still love me?" It came out as a croak. Thats all I could manage. The old age had got to me. My once young, beautiful skin had turned wrinkly and my hair had changed to an ungoldly grey. My runes no longer work and just sit there, useless.

Just say yes. Even if its a lie. I know im not the same Alexander Gideon Lightwood you fell in love with. But hearing you say you still love me will make me pass on happy.

I watched as you put the blanket over my pale, frail body. Staring at me with  sympathetic eyes. Stop. I dont want your sympathy. Stop showing me that im useless.

"Of course I do darling." You smiled with your pearly white teeth, taking my hand in yours.

Liar. Oh how I wish it was true. Knowing you will move on. You're immortal. You will find a new person to love. You don't look at me the same way as when we first met. Your eyes are hollow, staring blankly at me.

I closed my eyes, happy memories flooded back. I sighed with content at the little film that was playing in my mind. I wish we could have grown old together but that wouldnt have been fair on you.

Magnus Bane, I love you.
Do you still love me like you say you do?

Well, I'm sorry this isn't all fluff and love and stuff. *breaking of fangirls and boys hearts can be heard in the distance.* Don't hurt me. Comment your opinions cause personally I hate my writing uwu


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