Chapter 3

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A/N: Eyy yall. There will b a double update. Chap 4 will be out later(like not this Wednesday later). Also i need feedback. Be as harsh as you want, but be specific on what i need to improve.


Your P.O.V

We stared at my coach and coach Orser, one of whom held a really big smile. "So yeah, as I said before, you guys are going to be skating partners. There's this small event being held soon to test out your compatibility with each other on ice. If you guys win this, you'll be closer to going to paired Grand Prix." She says. We nod and my skates get handed to me. "What are you guys waiting for? Get on the ice!" I quickly pull on my skates and rush onto the ice. Yuzuru was already doing laps around the rink. I join in slowly to get a feel of the rink. After a lap, I turn around and skate backwards. However, right behind me was Yuzuru Hanyu, in all his skating glory. He noticed he staring so he smiled. Don't die, don't die. I tried my best to smile back, but then I noticed him skate closer at a fast rate and tug me towards his chest. "You almost crashed into the wall." He says, slowly releasing me. "I DON'T SEE ANY COMPATIBILITY OVER THERE!" I heard m coach yell. I look down in embarrassment and let out a small chuckle. I felt my chin be raised. "Don't hide your face like that." Yuzuru says, a slight smile appearing on his face. I felt my face heat up, so I avoided his stare. He shook his head and moved back a little. He stretched an arm towards my direction. Does this man want a high five or something? I thought as I tilted my head. "Take my hand." He says. I feel my face turn even redder as I placed my hand against his. Almost like a puzzle, the perfectly fit nicely. We slowly started skating side-by-side.

Coach Qing Lai's P.O.V

I stared at my flustered student. She really needs to get a boyfriend. Last time she got one seemed like she was 13 years old. My eyes flickered to two figures side-by-side, skating in a figure eight. I felt a smile appear on my face. YASS GURL, WORK IT! I felt a small tap on my left shoulder, so I turned around. There standing was a Hispanic male, maybe in his late 20s. "Hello there. I'm Javier Fernandez. I don't think I saw you here before?" Ah that's right. Retired figure skater Javier Fernandez. Two time World Champ and 3 time Grand Prix Finalist. In the middle of my thinking, a hand is moving in front of my face. "Oh, I'm extremely sorry. I'm Qing Lai, coach of (y/n) (l/n)." The man chuckles and brings his attention back to the two skaters. "It must feel nice for you guys, to be able to be young and flexible." I say. "Well, I retired because, one, possibly coach others, and two, I feel like I'm already suffering back pain." He says the last part jokingly. 

Your P.O.V

As I'm skating around holding Yuzuru's hand, I can't help but think. Can we complete a whole skating routine in this amount of time? Will we be able to do the jumps? Are we going to fail? Will we- "Guys, come back here, I think it's time to bring you to the dance practice room!" Coach Qing Lai yells. I turned to Yuzuru with a nod and we start skating off the rink. I walk the way to our shoes, but then realize there's something warm in my hand. AH SHIT RIGHT, I WAS HOLDING HIS HAND. I  quickly started to panic, so I let the warmth leave my hand. "I-I'm sorry." I say dejectedly. "It's fine, (y/n)-*San." We remove our skates and put on our shoes. Coach Qing Lai leads us to a room with a long mirror and a bar. "You're wearing leggings, right (y/n)?" I nod. Suddenly, another lady, possibly European, saunters into the room. She was very tall, and wore heels that made her even taller. She had blonde hair that was turning white, and had a pointy nose. Her face holds a lot of makeup. Bleh "Hello. I've been invited by my dear cousin to teach you guys how to dance together." She said, with a stoic expression. "You won't learn my name until I think you're worthy enough. For now, call me Miss." Yuzuru and I nodded as a sign of understanding. "Let's start off with some stretches, then we'll get to the real deal." She says before walking to the direction of Coach Qing Lai. Yuzuru and I walked towards the bar. I started off with lifting my (left/right) foot and resting it on the bar. I tried to reach the toes of the raise foot and did the same with the other. I place my leg down and start to do shoulder stretches. I also stretch out my core area by doing what my coach calls, "a seal push up." I wince as I hear my back crack a bit. After my stretching, I just lay back and stare the ceiling. Suddenly, the ugly make-up filled face fills my view and a hand makes contact with forehead. "Ow." I say as I sit up. "Why'd you hit me?!" I exclaimed. The lady maintained her posture and answered, "While you were dozing off your partner was being more diligent." and pointed at Yuzuru, who is doing intense splits on the other side of the room. "Get your ass moving!" I quickly scrambled up and stretched my leg so that it's raised above near my head. Shit this still hurts. I quickly put down my leg due to the pain that I haven't felt in awhile. I hold my leg until I see a shadow hovering over me. "(Y/n)-San, do you need help?"



*The honorific San in Japanese is used to show respect to the person being mentioned. 

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