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“Hey look it’s the freak.!”

Biting my cheek, I bowed my head and focused on cramming my books in my locker.

“What’s wrong freak, can’t you hear me talking to you?”

My hands shaking in anger and with anticipation for the beating undoubtedly in store for me, I placed my math book in my locker and was just about to close it, when it slammed shut on my fingers. Crying out, I hastily ripped the door open, freeing my bright red pulsating fingers and clutching them to my chest.

“What’s the matter, are you going to cry like a little baby?”

Turning around and blinking back tears furiously I found myself eye to eye with Zayn, his cronies, fanning out behind him.

“Excuse me,” I mumbled, “I have to get to class.”

“I don’t think so!” he laughed, grabbing me by the front of my shirt and slamming me into the lockers behind me.

“Please don’t!” I pleaded.

“What’s the matter Michael, Mommy isn’t here to fight your fights for you?” Zayn’s friend Louis taunted.

I winced as the others laughed.

“What is it that your Mom does again Clifford?” Zayn questioned.

I looked down.

“I asked, you a questioned freak?” Zayn snarled, as he grabbed me by the hair, forcing my head back.

“I have to go to class.” I whimpered.

“If you won’t tell them, I will.” Zayn taunted, “And then I’ll slash your face from ear to ear.”

My eyes widened as I watched him pull a knife from his pocket. Swallowing nervously, I closed my eyes, as he ghosted the tip of the blade over my cheek.

“Last chance Clifford.” He warned, “Now let me ask you again, what does your Mommy do?”

“Sh-she’s a dancer.” I cried out, “She’s a dancer!”

“What kind of dancer?” Zayn pried.

“Please don’t.” I whispered.

“What kind of dancer is she Michael?” Zayn sighed, pressing the tip of the knife against the corner of my mouth.

“She works at a club!” I cried, my heart hammering wildly in my chest.

“So she’s a stripper?” Calum, Zayn’s wing man laughed.

I looked down.

“Oh please.” Zayn taunted, “Don’t tell me you don’t like it. I’m sure Mommy comes home and gives you a lap dance every night before bed.”

“Shut up.” I whispered.

“Does Mommy have good jugs?” Zayn laughed.

“Stop.” I mumbled.

“What’s it like Michael?” he chuckled, “Knowing that your Mom shakes her old ass tits infront of horny guys, so they’ll cram a couple bucks down her granny panties for a living?”

“Stop it!” I yelled, shoving him back.

Surprised, Zayn released me and staggered a bit before steadying himself.

“You must be some kind of fucking idiot.” Calum laughed.

“Someone’s got a death wish.” Zayn sneered lunging towards me.

Closing my eyes and waiting for the impact, a groan left my body as I was grabbed by the throat and slammed back into the lockers and again and again and again.

At first it hurt horribly, however after a while I just felt numb. My eyes dropped as my vision began to turn black around the edges, and then I was falling to the ground and there was yelling over me.

Blinking, as I tried to keep myself conscious I tried to place the pair of gray converse standing infront of me, shielding me from Zayn and his friends.

“Leave him alone you psychopaths!” someone shouted.

Giving in to the beckoning temptation of sleep I then let my eyes droop closed, only for them to flutter open mere seconds later, as I was woken up to someone shaking me gently.

“Hey, can you hear me?”

Blinking, I looked up and found two boys hovered over me. Both had blondish hair, the first boy’s was styled into a quiff and the second boy’s hung down infront of his forehead in loose curls.

“Are you okay?” the first boy asked.

“Yeah,” I said quickly, rubbing the back of my head and wincing at the large bump, there.

“Those guys are total creeps.” The first boy sighed, “Its Michael right?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“I’m Luke.” The first boy said, “And this is Ashton.”

“Hey,” I mumbled as I scrambled to my feet, “Well, uh, nice of meet you and thanks for getting rid of those guys but I could taken care of it myself.”

“Dude you were getting your ass handed to you.” Luke laughed.

“I was not.” I snapped, “I….I had it under control.”

“Michael, you get your ass handed to you every day, why don’t you deflate your big ass ego and thank us.” Ashton laughed.

“Thank you.” I said icily, “But I don’t need your help. I don’t need anyone’s help.”

“Dude, what the hell?” Luke chuckled, “It wasn’t a big deal.”

“I know it wasn’t a big deal because I had it under control!” I snapped.

“God, he is a freak.” Ashton muttered, earning a laugh from Luke.

Embarrassed that I was such a loser I had to be rescued in the middle of the hall, I bowed my head.

“Thank you okay?” I mumbled, “I’m sorry, I just…. I don’t need your help, next time let me handle it.”

“Okay, cool we’ll just let them beat you to a pulp, whatever floats your boat man.” Ashton laughed.

“Hey!” a voice called suddenly from the end of the hall, “Why aren’t you boys in class?”

“I have to go.” I mumbled, shoving my hands in my pockets, I bowed my head and ran to class.

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