Anna Edwards

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1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a British author, from the depths of the rural countryside near London. In a previous life, I was an accountant from the age of twenty-one. I still do that on occasions, but most of my life is now spent intermingling writing while looking after my husband, two children and two cats (probably in the inverse order to the one listed!). When I have some spare time, I can also be found writing poetry, baking cakes (and eating them), or behind a camera snapping like a mad paparazzi.

I'm an avid reader who turned to writing to combat my depression and anxiety. I have a love of traveling and like to bring this to my stories to give them the air of reality.

I like my heroes hot and hunky with a dirty mouth, my heroines demure but with spunk, and my books full of dramatic suspense.

2. Have events or people in your life ever inspired scenes or characters in any of your books?

A lot of my books include travel in them. I've been lucky enough to live abroad at various times in my life and I try to bring that experience into my books.

3. What is your favorite/most frustrating part of the writing or publishing process?

My favourite part of writing is when I get the inspiration for a new idea and I can grab pen and paper and just let it flow into a story. The worst part is blurb writing. I'm not a person who can condense things into a few worlds.

4. Tell us about your main character.

I'm writing with Claire Marta. She's writing Apollo, I'm writing Eva and we are sharing the writing of Fontus. The joys of having a threesome in our book. Eva is the daughter of the god of the sea. She's had a life full of being spoilt because she was one of her father's favourites. She can be a bit flighty at times but in Apollo's Protection she really grows up.

5. How did you pick your character names?

Claire and I did a lot of research into the Roman Gods. Eva was one of Neptune's daughters.

6. What makes your villain so scary/powerful?

I think just knowing he's the God of the Underworld makes him scary but Pluto is a nasty man who'll stop at nothing to get power and as much of it as he can. He's no conscious, this is the man who stole Persephone and forces her to live with him.

7. What makes your book different from others in its genre?

I think it's because we haven't followed the rules of the mythology as a whole (that would be stories of incest and get us banned.) We've created our own world with the Gods. Claire and I have allowed our mines to combine and create strange words.

8. Do you have a favorite scene in the last book you wrote? Tell us about it.

It's a bit of a comical scene (something I don't really do), my hero discovered the heroine loved Jane Austen and surprised her by dressing up as Mr Darcy. The only issue was he was discovered by his work colleagues in the outfit complete with tights. His work colleagues are hardened assassins!

9. What are some things you've learned from publishing your first/most recent book?

I've recently been involved in running and coordinating a charity anthology. Because He's Perfect is to support Movember. It's been a massive learning curve with who anthology's work but I'm so proud of how well it's doing at the moment.

10. Who designed your book cover?

My best friend, Charity Hendry. She does all my covers.

11. What are you currently working on?

As well, as writing Apollo's Protection I'm working on the fifth book in my PNR series, Glacial Blood. It's about a family of misfit shifters living together in Glacier National Park in Montana.

12. Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

If I can do it so can you. Believe in yourself and you are halfway there.

Book Info

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Book Info

Contemporary, Dark, Fantasy.

Book Blurb

Fontus and Eva are demi-gods of the sea — they've been friends and lovers for millennia, but there's always been something missing from their relationship. When kidnapped as part of a despicable plan by Pluto, a powerful and wicked deity, they become pawns in his preparation for war.

Apollo is happiest when he is playing his music or making love. Sent on a fool's errand to locate a silly little girl hiding from her father, he discovers the true situation is far more disturbing and intriguing than he ever imagined.

Fontus, Eva and Apollo find themselves captive on a magical island where reality and fantasy are one and the same. Can they learn to trust and rely on each other in order to gain their freedom?

The fate of the world is in the balance. The gods are preparing for war and these three are about to become the main players on a universal stage, where not only their lives but also their hearts are endangered.

Apollo's Protection is a dark modern day, fantasy, paranormal romance based upon Roman mythology.

You shouldn't always believe the history you were taught, because the reality may be something completely unexpected.

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