chapter two

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It was about midnight that I suddenly woke up. I didn't know why— it wasn't hotter than usual in my room, my door was still firmly locked and bolted, and— there was a crash.

That would do it, I thought. I'd never been a deep, deep sleeper. If I was tired enough, sure, I may not be woken even if the room was collapsing but as anxious as I was, I'd been in and out of sleep for the last few hours.

I groaned, but threw the covers off me, dangling my legs over the side of the bed. Shoving on some slippers and my nightgown, I made my way to the door.

The metal felt cold against my hand as I moved it across, it clicking as it released its hold on the oak.

I peeked my head out of the door. Whatever it was that had made the sound was close to my room, that much I could tell, but I couldn't see it. I looked around once more, before stepping completely out of my room, drawing the door closed behind me.

"Lady Johnstone," Abigail said, voice trembling just as the tray in her hand was. I realised it falling to the floor had woken me. "I didn't mean to wake you."

My eyes drifted to her's— panic clearly coursing through her veins.

"It's no problem," I told her with a light smile.

Darkness from outside was seeping into the palace, barely fought off by the candles lining each wall. My head turned to the nearest window, a flicker of movement catching my attention, eyes scanning the impenetrable depths.

"Is everything alright, Miss?"

It's your imagination. "Yes," I said, tearing my eyes away and back on the girl, her slightly dirtied uniform hanging loose around her. "What are you doing up at this time, Abigail?"

"I had to do something for the King," she said, hurriedly, talking of Josiah's father.

"With an empty tray?" I asked, eyebrow raised.

"I'd just given it to him," she said, amending her words. "His night tonic. He said he needed a little help getting to sleep tonight." You me both, Your Majesty.

I rarely saw the King these days. The last time I had was at Josiah's birthday party, but even then he'd tried not to garner too much attention, despite being the King. I'd spoken no more than a few words to him before the music had changed and my attention had turned to the at least a dozen tiered cake being brought out.

His absence was intentional, and certainly didn't go unnoticed by many. There was talk of him stepping back so that Josiah could find his feet with the kingly role, but it was more than that, I just knew it.

I sighed. "Okay," I said. Of course, I knew she wasn't telling me something, but I didn't bother worrying myself with it, not when I had plenty of other things to stress about. "Get some rest. Tomorrow's going to be a big day."

She nodded in understanding. I felt guilty having thought only of myself in how many people I'd have to see and how many conversations I'd have to endure, and not of the workers. They'd be running about all over the place from dawn til dusk tomorrow. I didn't envy them.

Vicious | ongoingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora